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5 Awesome CrossFit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere


Whether you are a crossfit athlete, or a newbie to the fitness world, working out while traveling or when you cannot access a gym can be tough. From now on, you have no excuse! Take this list of 5 effective crossfit workouts that you can do in the hotel room, on the beach, in the park or even in your apartment! With minimal equipment and mostly bodyweight exercises, these are great options for fitting in a workout during the day.


Workout One:

This workout incorporates squats, pushups, and also cardiovascular exercises. These movements target total body muscles, but primarily strengthen your core, quads, upper back, biceps, and triceps. You need a bit of space for this workout. If you are not in an outdoor space, run on the spot for 45 seconds.

Record 5 Rounds for Time:

  • Run 200m

  • 20 squats

  • 10 push ups

Not challenged enough? Hold a weight while you are doing the squats. Don’t have dumbbells at home? Hold a heavy book, a large filled bottle of water or a bag of flour. Pushups too easy for you? Try doing clapping pushups for added intensity.

Workout Two:

Hands up if you love burpees! This workout will leave you breathless and work your core in just a few minutes! Perform 10 burpees, followed by 10 toe touch crunches, 9 burpees, followed by 9 toe touch crunches… until you reach 1 burpee and 1 toe touch crunch. Record your time and perform the workout again after a few weeks to track progress. Warning: Burpees are not fun. But they are effective for total body fitness!

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for Time:

Not feeling motivated? Challenge a friend or family member and see who can perform the circuit faster! Still have some air left in your lungs? If you haven’t passed out yet, try doing the circuit a second time.


Workout Three:

Tabata style is a wonderful workout structure that has been proven to be effective in optimizing fat loss and muscle growth. Try this Tabata crossfit WOD for a short yet extremely effective workout session. Perform the movement for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break. Go through 8 rounds of the entire movement before moving on to the next one. If you do not have a skipping rope, perform jumping jacks instead of double-unders. If you still cannot get double-unders, you can always do singles.

8 Rounds: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off:

    • Squats
    • Double-unders
    • Sit Ups

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Workout Four:

Let’s get upside down for this one! If you still cannot get into a handstand, perform push-ups instead of the handstand version. This workout will target your quads, hamstrings, and full upper back, core and arms! To increase the intensity, add weights to the walking lunges.

21-15-9-3 Rep Rounds for time:

  • Walking lunges (each leg)

  • Handstand Pushups (or modification)


Workout Five:

This workout is definitely not for the faint-hearted. Think you need weights and equipment to fully exert your muscles? Think again! If you can walk properly the next day, you did something wrong! This workout was created in the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, and has been used as a challenge across many CrossFit boxes around the world. Try it out and see if you can complete it in less than an hour!

Tip: Break up the pull-ups, push-ups and squats into achievable sets. For example, you can decide to do 10 pull ups, 15 push-ups and 20 squats per round. You can also modify your push-ups to start at the knee position, and the pull-ups can also be banded. Don’t have a bar at home? Try performing elbow reverse push-ups or bodyweight rows.

For time:

  • 1 mile Run

  • 100 Pull-ups

  • 200 Push-ups

  • 300 Squats

  • 1 mile Run


So, there you have it! 5 different WOD ideas that you can pretty much perform anywhere! You do not have to sign up for an expensive gym membership to keep fit. Even though you are provided with tons of resources and equipment, you can still keep working on your goal at home or while you are traveling, using nothing but your body!

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