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Best Chest Workout: 12-Week Aesthetic Training Plan

chest workout

Every guy that’s ever hoisted a weight has had one primary goal in mind: building a bigger, stronger, upper body. What’s the most eye-catching part of that great torso? The chest, of course! A thick and sculpted chest is aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. Why is chest day everyone’s favorite training day? Simple: who does not want an aesthetic chest that grabs the attention of the opposite sex, and makes your friends envious? Creating the best workouchest takes a combination of the right exercises and willingness to put in the required work. A strong, powerful chest that looks good takes precise training, rest, and consistent nutrition from every angle. Well-developed pecs pop at the top, middle, and bottom and have clean, well-defined separation. Building a thick upper chest, in particular, will give the impression of serious size and strength.

Chest Workout: 12-Week Training Plan

Week 1-3

Day Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1 Barbell Bench Press 3 6,8,8,10,10 60-90 Seconds between sets
1 Dumbbell Incline Press 2 8,8,10,10 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Dips 2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Push-ups 1-2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Decline Barbell Press 2 8,8,10,10 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dumbbell Fly 2 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dumbbell Pullover 1-2 10,10,12 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Push-ups 1-2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​

Week 4-6

Day Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1 Decline Dumbbell Press 2 6,8,8,10 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Dumbbell Pullover 2 10,12,12,10 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Cable Fly 2 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Clap Push-up 1 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dumbbell Bench Press 3 8,8,10,10,12 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Barbell Incline Press 2 8,10,10,12 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dumbbell Fly 2 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dips 2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​

Week 7-9

Day Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1 Dumbbell Bench Press 3 6,8,10,8,6 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Dumbbell Decline Press 2 8,10,10,8 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Dumbbell Fly 1 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Wide Grip Push-up 2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Barbell Incline Press 2 6,8,10,8 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dumbbell Pullover 2 12,10,10,12 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Cable Fly 2 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dips 2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​

Week 10-12

Day Exercise Sets Reps Rest
1 Dumbbell Bench Press 3 6,8,10,8,6 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Dumbbell Decline Press 2 8,10,10,8 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Dumbbell Fly 1 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
1 Wide Grip Push-up 2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Barbell Incline Press 2 6,8,10,8 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dumbbell Pullover 2 12,10,10,12 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Cable Fly 2 15-20 each 60-90 seconds between sets​
2 Dips 2 to failure 60-90 seconds between sets​


Training Guidelines for maximum aesthetic results

1. Nutrition

One of the main keys to building an aesthetic chest is nutrition. Consume 0.8 or more grams of protein daily. Focus on getting this from sources such as lean beef, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, chicken, lean pork, and turkey. Add in protein from plant sources like nuts and different varieties of legumes. Top it all off with whey protein from 2% milk and casein protein from regular fat cottage cheese. Make sure to eat lots of fresh vegetables, particularly those that are high in iron. Stick with fruits that have a low glycemic index. Avoid fried and heavily processed foods.

2. Rest

Sleep eight hours every night and allow 72 hours of recovery between chest workouts.

3. Supplementation

Use supplements including creatine monohydrate and BCAA’s as needed to tweak size and definition.

4. Warm up

Perform two sets of barbell bench press with a light weight for 10 to 15 reps at the beginning of each session.

5. Intensity

Add weight as the reps decrease; shoot for a strong pump rather than trying to push maximum poundage.

6. Technique

Maintain strict form with every rep of each exercise, and do not add weight until this is possible.

7. Conditioning

Use High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) three times per week for 15 to 30 minutes each session. Do this on off days to blast away body fat and create those clean, aesthetic, lines.

The training plan above is designed to progress with intensity as you move from one three-week microcycle to the next. It also includes variations to break through plateaus and provide consistent muscle stimulation to help you build a chest worthy of attention

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