13 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day
You have no doubt seen them at your local gym, or at the beach when the sun is shining. Guys with developed upper bodies, but lacking in the leg department.
You have no doubt seen them at your local gym, or at the beach when the sun is shining. Guys with developed upper bodies, but lacking in the leg department.
So you have worked hard in the gym the last few months and have gained a lot of muscle, unfortunately as you have been bulking you have also gained a bit
From pilates to Zumba, there are plenty of workouts available marketed specifically towards women. These workouts are not necessarily bad, but there may be a better option available to you in
Depending on where you are with your current bench press ability, increasing your one rep max by 50lb could be a very straight forward or very difficult process.
We’ve all been there. You work out day and night and enjoy seeing your physical appearance blossom and grow like a work of wonder, new muscles and perfectly toned body in
Bodybuilding competitions are usually seen as the best way to judge the best physiques in the world, but increasingly the lifters of today are looking less and less like real people.
Most people’s reason for attending the gym is that they want to get shredded, but the percentage of people who actually achieve this is very small.
If you want to gain muscle and strength then of course what you eat and how you train has an impact.
CrossFit has become incredibly popular in a short space of time, but with its growing popularity, the rates of injury have also increased. What can you do to stay injury-free at CrossFit?