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Is Organic Whey Protein Worth The Cost?

organic whey protein

The importance of protein in a well-rounded diet cannot be overlooked. After all, proteins are the building blocks of life. Not only are proteins necessary for the body to repair and maintain itself, but they’re important for growth and development and are a major part of the skin, muscles, organs, and glands.

Organic Whey Protein

While it is always advantageous to get your protein from natural sources such as meat, fish, and eggs, many people are also very busy and sometimes a sit-down meal just isn’t possible. For this reason and others, many health conscious people turn to protein powders to ensure they’re getting the appropriate amounts of this important dietary component. One of the most popular types of protein powder is whey protein, which is a byproduct of cheese production. The clear-ish liquid that remains after milk has been curdled and strained contains a plethora of complete proteins that are essential for protein synthesis and muscular hypertrophy. Due to the fact that whey occurs naturally and can help contribute to the body’s overall daily protein needs (~1gram per pound of lean body mass), whey is a very popular protein powder option.

With hundreds of brands and varieties available, it can be hard to make heads or tails of which aspects are just good marketing and which are actually worth an additional cost. One such example is whey protein marketed as “organic” or “100% grass fed”. These varieties will likely cost significantly more than their more mainstream counterparts – but are they worth the additional money? It’s fairly widely accepted today that it is advantageous to eat grass-fed meat whenever possible. The health benefits of doing so include less total fat but more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, more conjugated linoleic acid (fat that may reduce heart disease and cancer risks), and more antioxidant vitamins. That being said, the purpose of using a protein powder is not for the flavor, vitamins, or fats. In fact, the reason for utilizing the powder is to get in a fast-acting protein that we may be unable to get from another source at that time. As such, the benefits of the animal having been grass fed are almost nil with regards to the protein powder.

People who have ethical concerns about the welfare of the cows may wish to spend the extra money for grass-fed whey protein, but those primarily concerned with the health benefits are better off saving their money and opting for a more traditional and cost-effective whey protein powder. The money saved could then be spent on buying grass fed meat or dairy for a normal meal, instead.

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