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Ultimate Testo Explosion Trail Offer Review – Is it a scam?

Ultimate Testo Explosion is a performance enhancer that claims to “deliver mind-blowing results”, helping you gain muscle and strength.

Unfortunately this product is available for trial, which from past experience has been a bad sign.

Previous reviews of trial offers like this have revealed that many of them are ineffective and lead onto expensive auto-ship programs.

The following review will look to see if this offer works in a similar fashion. Please read on to discover the truth behind the hype.

We do not endorse trial offers. Click here to see which product we recommend as an alternative.

Claimed benefits of Ultimate Testo Explosion

The following claims have been made by Ultimate Testo Explosion:

  • Increase muscle mass
  • Cut recovery time
  • Explosive workouts
  • Better hormone production

While these claims are undoubtedly impressive sounding it is worth looking for proof of the claims before you rush to sign up for the offer.

One of the easiest ways to check how accurate the claims are would be to look at what ingredients have been used.

Ingredients found in Ultimate Testo Explosion

Unfortunately there is no way to verify the claims made as there was zero information available on the ingredients used.

There is likely to be information available on the product packaging itself, but I would prefer to know what the ingredients are before giving away valuable contact information.

Price of Ultimate Testo Explosion

As Ultimate Testo Explosion is available for trial you would think that you have nothing to lose, yet unfortunately if you thought that you would be in for a shock.

After reading the terms and conditions (found at the very bottom of their website) I can reveal an initial $4.96 shipping fee, which will give you 14 days to trial the product.

Should you fail to cancel the trial within this allotted period you will be charged again, this time $98.49.

As expected Ultimate Testo Explosion operates an auto-ship program, so you will also find that further monthly packages will be sent out to you too. These of course will need to be paid for too.

Is Ultimate Testo Explosion a scam?

With claims that cannot be backed up, no ingredient information and a high price there is nothing to recommend about this offer.

Before you sign up for any trial offer it is worth spending a little time doing thorough research to avoid any potential issues.

Ultimate Testo Explosion has plenty of problems so I would recommend that you skip it and look for an alternative. We have one suggested for you below.

Contact details for Ultimate Testo Explosion

To contact Ultimate Testo Explosion I would recommend using the following contact information:

Phone: 1-866-832-9921

Please leave a comment below if you have signed up for this particular trial offer.

Click here for our guide to beating online scams.

D-BalTo boost your own training without risking your money or health using a trial I would recommend you visit the Crazy Bulk website.

They have a variety of products available, but the one that I would highly recommend would be D-Bal.

This particular product has been created to fill the void left when the steroid Dianabol was banned for sale.

D-Bal is completely safe and legal to use, with its ingredients shown to offer the following benefits:

  • Muscle and strength gains
  • Increase in blood flow
  • Improved oxygen retention

It is also unavailable for trial, so you do not have to worry about receiving unwanted deliveries or hidden charges.

Click Here to Read Our Full Review of D-Bal >>


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18 thoughts on “Ultimate Testo Explosion Trail Offer Review – Is it a scam?”

  1. christopher Steenge

    I got free trial bottles. Then next month was charged $70 something and have not gotten the product. Id like my visa credited and no longer want your products.

  2. Taydowha Muhammad

    Hello your product ultimate Testo Explosion do not work and for me it has only given me server headaches and very bad stomach pains and it do not help the body with muscle mass or build your body up in any way it is a scam.and I have been trying to reach anyone at your company to cancel my orders but know one has reply to my calls it text message and I have 4 boxes of your products that I am returning and I would like for you to reimburse my money back into my account that you have taken out without my permission. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation, Sincerely, Taydowha Muhammad.

  3. None of your fucking business

    Testo Burst are the biggest MotherFucking Scum Bags on this miserable Fucking Planet. So far they have stolen over $400. from myn account using their shady Fucking Tactics. And I still can”t get it stopped. I hope somebody grabs you by your miserable fucking balls and draggs you down the street while yous cream for mercy. What a miserable fucking excuse for a business. You’re probably in the child trafficking business too. Fucking SCUM BAGS>

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