Using Testo Xtreme is claimed to help boost testosterone, which if true will result in numerous benefits being gained.
Our review will look more closely at this product to see if it works as claimed. Please continue reading to unveil the truth behind the hype.
Claims made by Testo Xtreme
Testo Xtreme is said to offer the following user benefits:
- Boost testosterone
- Enhance libido
- Increase sex drive
These claims are designed to entice you into signing up for the offer as quickly as possible. I would suggest that you are not too hasty with your decision.
At the very least you should check what ingredients have been used. This step will ensure you know how effective this product is, and will also reveal if this testosterone booster is safe too.
Ingredients found in Testo Xtreme
Testo Xtreme does reveal its ingredients in full as its label is available to view online.
Its ingredients include Vitamin B6, Zinc, Fenugreek, Tribulus, Magnesium Sulphate and Horny Goat Weed.
Many of these ingredients have been shown to naturally boost testosterone, so this sounds promising.
Our next step will be to look at how expensive this product is.
Price of Testo Xtreme
Testo Xtreme costs more than you may think.
Its terms and conditions reveal that when you first sign up to this offer you will have to pay a shipping fee of R68 (approximately $5).
You will then have 14 days to decide if you wish to keep this product, otherwise, you will be charged R1075 (close to $80).
Failure to cancel the trial means that you are automatically added to an auto-ship program that will ship you further monthly packages at full price.
Is Testo Xtreme a scam?
The ingredients found in Testo Xtreme are likely to boost testosterone, which will offer various health and muscle-building benefits.
Our only concern is the price of this product. It is very expensive, and using auto-shipping is surely going to lead to complaints.
With this issue in mind, it may be better to look for an alternative.
Contact details to cancel this trial
The contact details you will need to cancel this trial are as follows:
Phone: +27 (0)21 300-8111
Please leave a message for us below if you have signed up to this particular offer.
Alternative to Testo Xtreme
Testogen would be our recommended alternative.
It is made from proven ingredients that offer the following user benefits:
- Muscle and strength gains
- Increased stamina
- Reduction in fatigue
- Libido increase
As Testogen is not available for trial, you won’t have to worry about any hidden charges. The price you see online is the price you pay.
You also won’t have to worry about any auto-shipping either.
Hi there please cancel my free trail
This page is a review of a product we do not endorse. Have you tried the contact details provided above?
I am confused!!! Why cant I just ask my bank not to pay the amount for both products after the 1st trial since I do not have a formal arrangement with the company? How do we know that the scam alerter is not a scammer also because they offer an alternative product after acknowledging that the stuff works????
Hi firstly is No Xtreme suitable for females?
Secondly I emailed both No Xtreme and Testo Xtreme requesting to be taken off the auto-refill list but I have not received a response. How can I know whether I am off or not?
I would suggest that you speak to your bank to make sure you do not have any further charges taken out from your account.
The phone number you provide above does not work due to a temporary error which I suspect is actually a permanent error, any other suggestions
I would recommend speaking to your bank. They deal with offers like this daily so should be able to help.
Hi i would like to know do these two Products (Testo Xtreme& No xtreme) really give the expected results ? As it seem this is a scam like do they really work or they are not originals?
These products may be beneficial, but we do not endorse them due to the hidden charges and auto-shipping used.