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Is the HT-Rush testosterone booster a scam?

MET-Rx L-Carnitine 3000

Being able to boost your natural testosterone levels is a sure-fire way to boost your ability to gain muscle mass and strength as well as various other benefits.

For this reason HT-Rush caught my attention after finding an advertorial (featuring Tom Hardy and Chris Hemsworth among others) for this supplement and its benefits on Facebook.

However despite its claimed benefits there is doubt that HT-Rush is a scam. No doubt due to the fact that it is currently available on a trial, which is a common tactic used by companies to get you to sign up for an auto ship program.

So is HT-Rush a scam or is it recommended? Lets look at the supplement in more detail before we come to any conclusions.

We do not endorse trial offers. Click here to see which product we recommend as an alternative.

Claimed benefits of HT-Rush

The following are claimed benefits of HT-Rush:

  • Maintain healthy bones and muscles
  • Maintain sex drive, sperm count and fertility

Without looking at the ingredients found in this supplement it is impossible to verify these claims, therefore before we go any further we need to look at the ingredients used.

Ingredients found in HT-Rush

Although HT-Rush contains Fenugreek Seed, which they claim to be the key ingredient. Scientific studies have shown that this particular ingredient does not boost testosterone levels, and can in fact lower them.

It seems strange that the manufacturers have chosen to highlight this particular ingredient when there are other ingredients found in HT-Rush that can boost testosterone levels, such as Tribulus Terrestris for example.

Price of HT-Rush

There is no mention of the price of HT-Rush on the main homepage. To find out this information you will have to read the terms and conditions of the trial offer, which you will find at the very bottom of the website.

Doing so you will discover that HT-Rush will originally cost just £5.95 for a 18 day trial, which when elapses will result in your account being charged £88.69.

You will also discover in the T&Cs that signing up for this trial means you have also signed up for an auto ship program, which means that should you fail to cancel within the allotted trial period will result in further monthly packages being sent to you, along with the bill.

These will continue until your account is cancelled.

Is HT-Rush a scam?

HT-Rush is not a scam, but is certainly overpriced.

It also contains ingredients such as Fenugreek Seed that cannot boost testosterone levels. So in my opinion you would be better off looking for an alternative.

Contact details for HT-Rush

You can contact HT-Rush using the following details:

Phone number UK: +44(0) 20 3514 8531
Phone number USA: 1-888-895-5092

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

It is also possible to cancel your membership online by using their cancellation form found at the very bottom of the website, next to the T&Cs link.

If you have signed up for this trial offer please leave a comment below.

Click here for our guide to beating online scams.

People in the know will say that the key to building strength and muscle mass is not testosterone but the ability to increase your HGH (Human Growth Hormones) levels.

There is one supplement available that comes highly recommended as it can do just that. Its name is HGH-X2 (sold online by Crazy Bulk) and it can be bought without ever having to sign up for an auto ship program.

Click Here to Read Our Full Review of HGH-X2 >>

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0 thoughts on “Is the HT-Rush testosterone booster a scam?”

  1. i got free trial ht rush and no2 maximus i have seen comments on the internet so i do not want any more supplements sent to my house without my permission thank you

    1. Asaf, you will need to contact HT-Rush yourself. This website has purely reviewed it, we are not associated with this product.

    2. It seems all you post on here is the negative comments right? but what i see on the bottom of the page is you promoting the sales of your product ..

      very interesting to see that you promote this on every product you complain about on this site…

      I dont expect you to approve these posts… because the you would obviously not want the other side of the fence spoken about

    3. I agree that it is the users responsibility to check the terms and conditions of these products before signing up, but I do disagree with these trial offers in general for those exact reasons.

      No one ever reads the T&Cs, so the price of the product should be made clear before sign up to avoid these complaints.

      As for the product suggestion, this product is not MINE but as there are still going to be those looking for a little help reaching their goal then what is the harm in me directing them to an alternative that is upfront about its costs?

    4. well , i understand your reasoning. But , Ht rush does live call all customers and explain the process in detail. Most do not do that. So, if they are complaining that they were not informed, it is their fault for not following through and cancelling in time.
      I find it very annoying that ones on here that complain can find the time to post negative reviews , if they spent the same time contacting the company , they may not of been billed another time.

  2. Totally got scammed by this and am usually clued up on all this sort of thing. Vanity is always a tricky lesson to learn but my advice is avoid these guys like the plague!!!

    Now onto the scamming little fuckers they are.
    You can fuck them up back a little if you’re a scrappy little bugger like me. Maybe we can wing this across social media and get a lot more people to do it and then they’ll stop.

    Here it is, if you have other credit cards like most do, you order their free trial shit but you HAVE TO cancel as soon as it arrives (7days), you pay a small delivery cost but……Don’t open the bottles, you just sell them back like I did for a profit on ebay or amazon and you’ll make money.

    But you MUST MUST Contact your credit card company and cancel them at the source after going to HT and No2 websites and cancel there. Hold onto and give your bank your authorisation number you get from their sites. Forget phoning them, their lines are a scam and total ball ache.

    It’s not much but if you’ve got a few different cards and are bitter enough to be arsed you can make your dollar back and scream them up in the process.

    Or just copy and paste this across social media and we’ll get all the sucker newbs (like i did) thinking of trying this to abuse their system back.

    Good luck to all and my lesson is that a shortcut to image and vanity has a price. One way or the other.

    1. Dude! Keen on your idea, Mine just arrived today. I try to cancel on their websites but all I can get in the way of Authorisation number is the Return Merchandise Authorisation, which means I gotta send back the products. Is that what you mean? And then once I get that number I call the credit card company with that number? Cheers mate

  3. Odviousely this is a scam because they will not let you order it with a prepaid credit card so the money has to be there when they try to take the money. I have just tried ordering it before i read this site unlucky for them cause i have £2500 in my prepaid account !!!!

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