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Alpha XL Boost: Is this trial offer recommended?

Alpha XL Boost

Should you sign up for the Alpha XL Boost trial offer? If you have come across this offer then you maybe tempted by what you see.

It offers a range of benefits, and as it is available for trial it must be a good deal. Right?

Well, before you go rushing into a decision that you may regret I would suggest that you continue reading. The following review will look at this offer in more detail and will soon discover the truth about this offer.

Please read on to uncover the truth.

We do not endorse trial offers. Click here to see which product we recommend as an alternative.

Claimed benefits of Alpha XL Boost

According to their website, using Alpha XL Boost will help ensure the following benefits are experienced:

  • Build muscle
  • Boost endurance
  • Achieve peak workout performance

To check that these claims are accurate our next step is to look more closely at the ingredients used. This step is important to ensure this supplement works, and to ensure it is safe too and wont cause any side effects.

Ingredients found in Alpha XL Boost

In the footer section you will find a link to the ingredients.

It lists the following ingredients:

Epimedium Extract, Eurycoma Longifolia Root Extract, Saw Palmetto Extract (fruit), Bovine Orchic Substance, Wild Yam Root Extract, Sarsaparilla Root Extract, Nettle Root Extract, Boron Amino Acid and Calcium

Unfortunately despite many of these ingredients likely to offer numerous benefits, Alpha XL Boost lists these ingredients as part of a ‘proprietary blend’.

This means that the actual dosages are not shown, which makes it impossible to see what effect this product will have.

Price of the Alpha XL Boost trial

Alpha XL Boost is available for trial, but this is certainly not a free trial.

The initial charge is just $4.95, which will certainly tempt some into signing up for the offer.

However, this wont be the only charge you experience.

Just 16 days after your initial sign up you will be charged again, with this second charge being $89.95.

At the conclusion of the trial you will also find yourself automatically added to an auto-ship program, so you will soon start to receive further packages that of course will have to be paid for.

These additional deliveries will occur monthly, and will continue until you contact Alpha XL Boost to cancel your subscription.

Is the Alpha XL Boost trial offer a scam?

Some of the ingredients used are likely to offer some benefit, however without knowing the exact dosages there is a chance that no benefit will be experienced at all.

Our biggest concern however is the price, there are plenty of alternatives available that are much more cost effective. I would suggest that you opt for one of those, rather than overpaying for a trial offer.

Contact details for Alpha XL Boost

The contact details for Alpha XL Boost are as follows:

Phone: 855-788-4118

Return address (you should contact them beforehand):

Alpha XL Boost
11037 Warner Ave St #237,
Fountain Valley,
CA 92708
United States

Please leave your own review below if you have trialled this product.

D-Bal is our recommended alternative.

It is available to buy online from the Crazy Bulk website, without any need to sign up for a trial offer.

D-BalD-Bal is made from proven ingredients that are designed to mimic the benefits of the banned anabolic steroid Dianabol, but with none of the side effects.

These benefits include:

  • Muscle gains
  • Increased strength
  • An increase in nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Better blood flow and oxygen retention

As D-Bal is unavailable for trial you wont have to worry about hidden charges or auto-shipping.

Click Here to Read Our Full Review of D-Bal >>



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