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Lazar Angelov Motivational Gallery

Lazar Angelov

Lazar Angelov is a bodybuilder, fitness model and personal trainer originally from Bulgaria who has gained hundreds of thousands of fans on social media, who all admire the hard work that has gone into creating his physique.

He has always been inspired to be fit, thanks to his love of action movies. This led to him wanting to emulate his movie star heroes.

When he was younger Lazar would train twice a day at basketball (morning and night) and fit in a weight training session in the middle of the day. As he didn’t know anything about nutrition at the time this led to him passing out a couple of times.

“I was too tired and I didn’t recover properly.”

His next step was a year of military service, which is compulsory in Bulgaria. It was at immediately after this stage in his life that he struggled with which direction his life was heading.

He was out of shape, but was inspired to become more serious about his strength training and bodybuilding.

“Fitness was my second passion behind basketball, I decided to put all my effort into it and that was the turning point for me.”

Success did not come easily for Lazar, when he first started out he worked two jobs. One was as a personal trainer during the day, while also working as a security guard at night.

While neither job paid well, with hard work and dedication he was able to create his physique, which is the envy of many across the globe.

“When you really, really want something, nothing can stop you from achieving it.”

Below are some of his best images:

Lazar Angelov

Lazar Angelov

Lazar Angelov

Lazar Angelov

Lazar Angelov

Lazar Angelov

You can follow Lazar Angelov via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.




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