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Top 18 Crossfit Girls to Inspire Your Training

Crossfit Girls

Even though there is only one woman who can walk away with the Fittest Woman on Earth title, there are plenty of competitors who provide inspiration to hundreds, if not thousands of people across the globe.

The following is a list of the 18 most motivational Crossfit girls. Make sure you follow them on Instagram for daily inspiration.

#1: Zummer Pagan

This Crossfit athlete hails from Puerto Rico, having been named “Fittest in Puerto Rico” in 2017.

She currently has over 33k followers on Instagram. I would suggest you add her to your followers list.

#2: Becca Day

Making muscles look sexy, Becca Day is a Crossfitter who inspires thousands of followers on social media.

#3: Miranda Alcaraz

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A post shared by Miranda Alcaraz (@fearlessmiranda) on Aug 26, 2018 at 9:11am PDT

Miranda is one of the first women to compete at the Crossfit Games, with her Norcal team winning the California Regional in 2015.

She still competes while running her own box in Salt Lake City.

#4: Celia Gabbiani

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A post shared by C e l i a G a b b i a n i (@celia_gabbiani44) on Sep 4, 2018 at 4:54am PDT

A former competitive swimmer from France, this female competitor competes at the very highest level.

She currently has over 300 thousand followers on Instagram.

#5: Stacie Tovar

A post shared by Stacie Tovar (@stacietovar) on Aug 31, 2018 at 6:11am PDT

A 8 time Crossfit Games competitor, she has now retired as a competitor but still inspires her followers.

“I want to hold myself to these same high standards and help others along the way. I want to motivate women and men alike to be a better version of themselves.”

#6: Annie Thorisdottir

A 2 times Crossfit Games winner. This Icelandic competitor has previous experience as a gymnast, ballet dancer and pole vaulter.

With almost 1 million followers on Instagram she is definitely one to follow.

#7: Sara Sigmundsdottir

Another Icelandic Crossfit competitor. She finished 3rd at both 2015 and 2016 games.

If you don’t follow Sara, then do you really enjoy Crossfit or fitness in general?

#8: Brooke Ence

A post shared by brookeence (@brookeence) on Aug 29, 2018 at 12:11pm PDT

Despite competing at only one Crossfit Games, Brooke is still one of the most recognisable competitors.

She is a successful fitness model and has her own training program too.

#9: Denae Brown

A post shared by Denae Brown (@denaebrown) on Sep 4, 2018 at 12:05am PDT

Denae Brown is the top Australian Crossfit female athlete. She is also a successful personal trainer, with both local and online clients.

#10: Julie Foucher

Julie Foucher is a 4 time Crossfit Games competitor, who also juggles her training in the medical profession.

Despite being retired from competitive events, she is still a popular figure in the community.

#11: Andrea ‘AgerBomb’ Montalvo

Crossfitter and personal trainer Andrea, has not competed for a while but is still a popular figure within the fitness community, with over 200k Instagram followers.

#12: Samantha Briggs

The 2013 Fittest Woman on Earth, Samantha continues to compete at the highest level and still finishes ahead of those many years her junior.

#13: Camille Leblanc-Bazinet

The winner of the 2014 Crossfit Games, Canadian Camille Leblanc-Bazinet is certainly one to follow on Instagram with over 1.2 million followers.

#14: Jessica Coughlan

Australian Jessica Coughlan mixes beauty with strength. Follow her Instagram to be inspired.

#15: Lauren Fisher

Despite her tender age, Lauren Fisher has competed at a few Crossfit Games already and shown that she has a promising future ahead of her in this sport.

#16: Christmas Abbott

Christmas Abbott is a Crossfit competitor, former Olympic weight lifter and personal trainer who motivates many followers on social media.

#17: Emily Bridgers

Former gymnast Emily Bridgers is a Crossfit veteran who has competed since 2011.

She is now the owner of CrossFit Terminus in Atlanta, Georgia.

#18: Brooke Wells

A post shared by Brooke Wells (@brookewellss) on Aug 25, 2018 at 11:16am PDT

One of the youngest competitors on this list but already a Crossfit veteran appearing in 4 Crossfit Games already, with a career high of 6th in 2016.

She has a promising career ahead of her.

In Conclusion

Crossfit is often derided, but there is little doubt that the women on this list are an inspiration to thousands of men and women across the globe.

Even if you never achieve similar results from your own training their physiques will surely motivate you to eat healthier and getting more regular training.

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