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Natural Testosterone Boosters : The Ultimate Guide To Low Testosterone

Boosting Testosterone Levels Naturally

What is testosterone and what benefits does this hormone offer?

If your testosterone levels are low then you will struggle to build muscle, and will likely be susceptible to fat gain. Is there a solution?

There are many different ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally including the use of supplements, like those we’ve compared in our best testosterone boosters article, as well as diet, exercise and lifestyle choices.

To boost your natural testosterone levels I would recommend that you continue reading.[toc]

What is Testosterone?

Increasing Testosterone Through Supplementation

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, produced in the testicles and ovaries [1].

While both sexes produce this hormone, men will tend to have higher testosterone levels than women.

In one day, a man can produce around 7 milligrams of testosterone, which is roughly 15% more than a woman produces.

Typically the higher the testosterone levels present in the body, the more “masculine” you will look, sound and function.

Testosterone levels can affect:

  • Muscle and bone strength
  • Production of red blood cells
  • Sex drive
  • Production of sperm
  • Energy levels and mood

After it has been produced and secreted into the bloodstream around 96 to 98% of the testosterone connects with proteins known as globulin and albumins and is mainly use for transportation purposes, in the bloodstream and kidneys.

Free testosterone is what the remainder is called and it is this that can interact with other cells throughout the body with the option to cause physical changes. In theory, the greater the free testosterone levels you have, the better it will be able to help build muscle.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are a chemical that controls your bodies cells and organs.

They are crucial for every bodily function, which includes:

  • Growth
  • Digestion
  • Metabolism
  • Reproduction
  • Mood

A simple way to think of how molecules work is to call them “messenger molecules”. These are sent around your body giving your cells and organs instructions on what to do.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

If your testosterone levels are not as high as they should be you may encounter the following issues [2]:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low sperm count
  • Sleep problems
  • Loss of muscle and strength
  • Fat gain
  • Brain fog
  • Depression

#1: Low Sex Drive

Testosterone has an effect on sexual function in men. Whilst high testosterone levels can increase a man’s sex drive, low testosterone can have the opposite effect.

Other symptoms can include erectile dysfunction and a lack of interest in sex [3]. Some experts believe that increasing testosterone levels in older men could increase their sex drive, as men will start to produce less testosterone naturally from middle-age onwards [4].

#2: Fatigue

Some researchers believe that low testosterone, when combined with high cortisol (which can be a symptom of overtraining), can cause fatigue [5].

This is not noticeable with every athlete, but there is enough evidence to support the belief that low testosterone levels can be associated with fatigue.

So if you are constantly feeling exhausted then low testosterone could be responsible.

Another possibility is that a person with low testosterone can be suffering from anaemia. A study by Ferrucci et al (2006) concluded that men and women with low testosterone levels have a higher risk of having anaemia (which can cause weariness or fatigue) [6].

#3: Depression

There is a difference between depression and being clinically depressed.

In science, depression can simply mean a lowering of mood, so that’s what you should be thinking of during this point.

There have been many studies on the links between testosterone and mood, and a study by Barrett-Conner, Muhlen & Kritz-Silverstein found that testosterone treatment might improve depressed mood in men with low levels of testosterone [7].

#4: Lower Muscle Mass

Men with lower testosterone would find it harder to build muscle than men with high testosterone. This is due to the influence of testosterone on muscle protein synthesis [8].

If you are finding it difficult to build muscle naturally then low testosterone levels might be the reason why.

It is for this reason that injectable testosterone has become so popular within gyms, and why steroids are the most used drug in competitive bodybuilding.

#5: Increased Body Fat

As with muscle mass, high testosterone levels tend to lower body fat whilst low testosterone levels tend to increase fat storage [9]. Again, this is another reason why gym-goers and bodybuilders use steroids.

For this reason, there is a link between obesity and low testosterone levels and also Type 2 Diabetes sufferers tend to have lower testosterone [10]. There is also a link with cardiovascular disease risk and low testosterone.

#6: Testicle Issues

One of the more surprising signs of low testosterone is testicle shrinkage [11].

This is something that can be checked easily and you might notice that they are a little bit softer as well as smaller. What is less obvious is that on the inside they probably aren’t working away as well as they should be.

There may also be a lack of feeling down there too. It usually isn’t a complete sensation of numbness but rather a feeling that something is missing when this part of the body is touched.

#7: Bad Moods And Irritability

Another of the problems that can be linked to reduced levels of testosterone is that of bad moods and irritability [12].

A guy with this condition might not even really notice that he isn’t as bright and positive as he used to be, although the people around him probably will.

#8: Erection Problems

One of the first problems that someone with low testosterone usually notices is erectile dysfunction [13].

It is this hormone which triggers an erection and when your body doesn’t produce enough it often just doesn’t happen. Even when an erection is achieved it might not be strong enough to allow intercourse to take place.

#9: Body Hair Reduction

Another effect is that of a reduced level of body hair. Not every guy affected by low testosterone notices this on their body but some do [14].

As well as body hair it might also lead to beard growth slowing down in some cases.

Why Do Testosterone Levels Fall?

Testosterone levels will hit their peak typically as we hit puberty, unfortunately, once we reach the age of 30 our testosterone levels will start to fall [15].

Research has found that every year your testosterone levels will drop by 1%, but why?

Let us look at some of the potential reasons why testosterone falls after 30.

#1: Environmental Pollutants

There are loads of pollutants in the environment that can affect your testosterone levels including heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, dioxins and other dangerous chemicals [16].

These can all cause havoc in your endocrine system (where testosterone is produced), and are almost impossible to avoid.

#2: Our Diets

Nowadays our diet is full of junk food that contains high amounts of sugars and chemicals that can negatively affect your endocrine system [17].

If you are overweight or obese then this can affect your testosterone levels.

Obesity basically means you have too much body fat, which occurs from excessive eating primarily. However, some people have thyroid conditions that cause this medical condition as well.

The reason why it causes low testosterone is because fat cells cause inflammation that affects the production of hormones. Estrogen levels decrease for females, and testosterone lowers in males primarily – although both genders produce these hormones.

#3: Lack Of Nutrients

Our rubbish diets have lead to us becoming nutrient deficient.

If you are lacking in certain vitamins and nutrients you will struggle to produce testosterone adequately.

Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium and zinc are all required. With vitamin D deficiencies caused by spending more time indoors out of the sunlight.

This is also one reason why I do not recommend being a vegetarian or vegan.

A lot of vegetarians and vegans will probably get irritated by this first point but the science shows again and again [18][19][20][21] that vegetarians have lower testosterone levels than your typical Omnivore.

Having a diet which contains a lot of red meat seems to be very good for those of us who want higher testosterone levels.

If you are a vegetarian, there is no need to renounce your lifestyle and start buying steaks, just follow the tips in this article and you should see dramatically increased testosterone.

For the meat-eaters amongst you, eating more meat is a great place to start your journey!

What Are Normal Testosterone Levels?

Before we can talk about normal testosterone levels you need to understand that you could potentially still suffer from the issues associated with low testosterone even if your levels are normal.

This is because not all testosterone present in your body is available for use.

Most of the testosterone you produce will become bound to two proteins (albumin and globulin), and once bound they will not be of much benefit to you.

There is a blood test available that can help find out what your normal and free testosterone levels are. The normal range of testosterone in men is as follows (A nanogram is a billionth of a gram, and a deciliter is one-tenth of a litre) [22]:

  • 270 to 1,070 ng/dL total testosterone, with an average of about 679 ng/dL
  • 9 to 30 ng/dL free testosterone (2 to 3% of total testosterone levels is normal)

And in women:

  • 15 to 70 ng/dL total testosterone
  • 1 to 5 picograms/dL free testosterone (again, 2 to 3% of total T is normal)

As you can see there is a wide range in averages, but there is also one other factor you need to understand before you conclude that you are suffering from low testosterone levels, and that is your age.

For men under 40, 400 ng/dL or under will likely suffer from the effects of low testosterone, while those between the ages of 40-90 may not encounter any issue unless their testosterone falls below 300 ng/dL.

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism [23] in 2017 also looked at normal testosterone levels in more detail.

If you believe that your testosterone levels are low then I would recommend making an appointment to speak to your doctor.

Benefits Of Normal Testosterone Levels

You are on this website probably for one of two reasons, possibly both, to build muscle and burn fat. And testosterone can help you achieve both of these goals.

In a study undertaken at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science [24], subjects who were given testosterone injections gained significant amounts of muscle while losing fat, without exercise.

Staggeringly, when comparing two of the groups, one group of men were injected 600 ng/dL with the other injected 300 ng/dL, there was a 36% difference in fat percentages.

Those injected with the higher dose had a lower percentage of body fat.

Another study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology [25] has proven that normal testosterone levels can increase muscle mass by increasing protein synthesis.

Boosting Testosterone Through Diet

Increasing Testosterone with DietTo boost your testosterone levels naturally the first thing you need to look at is your diet.

Your diet can make a big difference to your testosterone levels, in two very different ways.

The first and most obvious way that diet can increase testosterone is when it leads to weight loss.

The more body fat you are carrying, the more aromatase your body produces. This is an enzyme that converts testosterone into oestrogen. Not a great idea!

By reducing your body fat, you will reduce aromatase production and allow your testosterone levels to adjust as a result.

Lowering your weight will also help improve sleep, exercise, and stress. So create a calorie deficit through diet and see an increase in testosterone.

Another, more direct way to increase your testosterone levels through diet is to consume foods that can help increase testosterone.

Drinking black coffee has been shown to help increase testosterone levels [26] as has red meat and eggs. Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, brussels sprouts, and broccoli are known to reduce aromatase, the enzyme mentioned earlier that converts testosterone into estrogen.

Excessive alcohol consumption, and eating lots of foods containing soya can also lower testosterone.

Reducing your intake of these foods will make a big difference to your testosterone levels long-term.

Reducing your average alcohol intake will also help lower calories. This will lead to weight loss and a boost in testosterone levels.

You can see that a lot of these dietary changes have multiple effects on your testosterone.

Here are some more diet suggestions to help boost low testosterone levels:

#1: Add Some Saturated Fats

You have probably heard time and time again how saturated fat is bad for your health, in particular, your heart health, which is true.

But, saturated fat has some benefit. For example, it is needed for testosterone formation [27].

As long as you keep your saturated fat intake between 15-25% of your daily fat intake, and your overall fat intake less than 30% of your overall calorie intake you should not encounter any issues.

#2: Avoid Low Fat Diets

Fat is not bad for you and should be consumed regularly.

While trans fats are best avoided, good fats, like those found in avocado’s, fatty fish, nuts, seeds and oils are recommended for testosterone production [28].

#3: Eat Plenty Of Cholesterol

Another misconception is that in order to produce more testosterone and build more muscle mass you need to cut down on your cholesterol intake.

The fact is that testosterone comes from cholesterol. Your HDL cholesterol levels are connected to your testosterone levels [29].

The food that contains the most healthy cholesterol is generally also high in saturated fats. Along with egg yolks and whole eggs you should try eating a lot of seafood such as lobster, squid and shrimp as well as your favourite red meat.

#4: Cut Back On Sugar

Junk food full of sugar is going to cause an almost immediate drop in your testosterone levels so cut them out [30].

#5: Avoid Soy

Soy has been shown to promote the production of oestrogen. If you want your testosterone levels to soar it is best to avoid soy when choosing your protein powder [31].

#6: Cut Back On Alcohol

Alcohol is abused daily by young adults and the trend does not seem to be dropping either. Testosterone levels drastically drop from excessive alcohol consumption.

This is because the male body has difficulty secreting testosterone from the testes while trying to digest alcohol content.

The hormones produced by the hypothalamic and pituitary glands are also lowered, which also produce testosterone in both men and women.

Beer is made from hops, which can form oestrogen that can suppress testosterone production [32].

Many beers are also full of excessive calories, which won’t help you to become leaner and ripped.

#7: Add Nuts To Your Diet

Certain nuts (those with shells), such as almonds, hazelnuts and pecans are great for boosting natural testosterone levels so should be added to your diet [33].

They are full of healthy fats that can help improve blood flow to your muscle tissue. This allows you to workout much harder, and therefore increase testosterone production.

Nut butter is also a good option but opt for natural nut butter as it contains less sugar.

#8: Eat Some Steak

Has it been suggested to you that steak is bad for your health? Well, you have been misinformed as lean cuts are great for muscle building.

When choosing your steak you should opt for grass-fed rather than the grain-fed variety, as this is a much healthier option [34].

The grass-fed variety contains CLA, omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10 and carnitine that can all help boost natural testosterone levels.

To boost your testosterone even further sauté some onions alongside your steak.

#9: Eat Some Oysters

Oysters are full of zinc, which is an important nutrient needed for testosterone production [35].

If you workout often then you are losing zinc through sweat. Therefore it is important that you consume foods that contain this nutrient.

Other zinc-rich foods include:

  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Pistachios
  • Spinach
  • Avocados

#10: Season Food With Garlic

A healthy way to season your food would be through the use of fresh garlic.

It can help improve heart health and can boost testosterone levels too [36].

For best results let the garlic ‘sit’ for a few minutes after peeling and chopping.

#11: Eat More Oranges

Another important nutrient required for testosterone production is vitamin C, which can be found in abundance in oranges [37].

Vitamin C is also important for a stronger immune system too.

#12: Swap Coffee For Herbal Tea

Too much coffee in your diet can cause an over-production of cortisol, which we have discussed a few times already [38].

Herbal tea is a good option as it can aid your sleep, unlike coffee that can hinder your sleep.

#13: Snack On Celery With Peanut Butter

We have talked about the benefits of peanut butter, but celery has its testosterone boosting benefits too [39].

Celery contains 2 powerful androgens, androstenone and androstenol that can naturally elevate your testosterone levels.

#14: Eat Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids that offer various benefits including:

  • Increased insulin sensitivity
  • Combat depression
  • Improved memory
  • Improved heart health
  • Lower blood pressure

These fatty acids can also increase natural testosterone levels in men as it can cause an increase in the production of luteinising hormone [40].

#15: Add Fresh Berries To Your Cereal

Berries contain compounds that can reduce the amount of oestrogen your body produces.

Reducing oestrogen can help increase testosterone production [41].

#16: Don’t Eat Too Much Canned Tuna

We have discussed the benefits of salmon, but tuna is best avoided if you want to boost testosterone.

This is because tuna contains high doses of mercury that can reduce your overall testosterone levels [42].

#17: Watch How Much Fibre You Consume

Often people are told to increase their fibre intake when attempting to lose weight.

This is because an increase in fibre can help to regulate blood sugar and combat diabetes.

The problem is that too much fibre in your diet can reduce your overall testosterone levels. It is recommended that you stick to around 30 grams of fibre daily to be safe [43].

#18: Avoid Trans Fats

Trans fats, which are found in deep-fried, processed and frozen foods should be avoided if you are looking to boost your testosterone levels [44].

To check that it is present you should take a little time reading the packaging. Avoid those foods that list ‘partially hydrogenated vegetable oil’.

#19: Cut Back On The Number Of Meals

How many meals are you eating each day? If it is more than 3 square meals daily then you should try to cut back.

It has been shown that if you eat too often then your testosterone levels can be affected.

#20: Choose Organic

The chemicals found in foods can reduce testosterone levels, so whenever possible opt for organic produce.

Organic foods can also reduce your risk of developing cancer too.

#21: Drizzle Olive Oil On Salad

Instead of choosing a salad dressing full of chemicals, opt for olive oil instead.

It can help your body to absorb cholesterol, which can aid in the production of testosterone [45].

#22: Treat Yourself To Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains various antioxidants and biochemical compounds that help to boost your testosterone. It also provides numerous vitamins and minerals to your body.

You should choose to consume the chocolate in its raw form. It is recommended that you choose the variety with the highest possible percentage of cocoa.

#23: Add Quality Salt To Your Diet

It was once thought that all salt was bad as it could increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

However, there is such a thing as healthy salts, such as sea salts and Himalayan crystal that are beneficial instead. These salts are unprocessed so are the most natural.

#24: Eat A Grapefruit

Grapefruits and other citrus fruits can help to reduce overall oestrogen levels [46].

#25: Watch Your Intake Of Milk

Milk contains various vitamins and nutrients that are good for testosterone production. However, any benefit you can gain from these is lost when you realise that milk contains other less valuable hormones too.

For example, full-fat milk contains oestrogen and progesterone that can suppress GnRH secretion in the brain, resulting in lower testosterone secretion [47].

#26: Eat These Testosterone Boosting Foods

We have mentioned a few different foods in the article already, but here is a more thorough list of foods you should eat to boost testosterone production: [ultimatetables 4 /]

#27: Don’t Eat The Following Foods

The following foods have been shown to reduce testosterone:

  • Flaxseed products
  • Liquorice
  • High-PUFA Vegetable Oils
  • Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint…
  • Soy Products
  • Trans-Fats
  • Alcohol
  • Green tea
  • High-PUFA nuts

#28: Drink Plenty Of Water

Are you drinking enough water? If your urine is not clear then chances are you need to up your intake.

Dehydration can increase cortisol production and hinder the production of hormones such as testosterone [48].

Exercise Tips To Boost Testosterone

Increasing Testosterone Through Exercise

Exercise can make a big difference to your testosterone levels, depending on your current physique and activity levels.

Increasing muscle mass, training hard, and losing weight can all help you to increase your testosterone production.

Many intense exercises can instantly elevate testosterone levels, kettlebell swings, for example, can increase both testosterone and growth hormone levels immediately afterwards [49].

Regular exercise will lead to health improvements across the board. It can improve your sleep and reduce stress, it can lead to reduced body fat, and it also helps raise your metabolism. All of these contribute to higher testosterone levels.

Basically, exercise can directly raise testosterone and indirectly raise it too.

Here are some other exercise tips you can use to boost testosterone:

#1: Start Lifting Heavy Weights

Lifting heavy weights can increase the number of hormones produced by your body, including testosterone [50].

It makes sense that when weight training that you try to incorporate as many different muscles into each exercise. Not only to make the most of your time but also to help increase the amount of testosterone produced.

Focus on compound exercises such as:

  • Squats
  • Bench press
  • Deadlifts
  • Rows

#2: Shorter Workouts

How long do you tend to spend at the gym? If it is longer than 45 minutes then chances are you are not working out as intensely as you should.

Workouts longer than 45 minutes long have been shown to cause an increase in cortisol, which we have discussed already.

Shorter but more intense workouts are better for testosterone production [51].

#3: Avoid Overtraining

Believe it or not but overtraining is not a myth. So if you are not taking one day off a week from training you should start now.

Of course, training is necessary for muscular growth, but during your rest periods is when the muscle really grows.

Training without rest will again mess with your hormones, including your testosterone levels, which will affect your overall gains [52].

#4: Workout With A Friend

If you workout alone then you may not be able to push yourself as hard as you possibly could.

Not only can a workout buddy help encourage you to work that little bit harder, but they can also “spot you”, allowing you to reach new PR’s.

#5: Perform Free-Weight Exercises

A study by Shaner et al (2014) compared the hormonal response to a free weight exercise (squats) and a machine weight exercise (leg press).

It found that free weight exercise induced a greater hormonal response [53] with both testosterone and growth hormones (GH) higher afterwards.

Another study found that Kettlebell swings produced increased testosterone and GH [54], whilst this study by Andrada et al (2006) found that a strength program led to a 40% increase in testosterone [55].

Lifestyle Changes for Low Testosterone

Increasing Testosterone Through Stress Management

Simple, everyday changes can have a big impact on your testosterone levels.

#1: Reduce Stress

These days our lives are more stressful than ever. With work and family commitments it can be hard to find time to relax.

However, if you want to experience the benefits of testosterone then you need to take steps to reduce your stress.

Stress can cause your body to produce more cortisol, which is a stress hormone that will replace testosterone in your body [56].

Cortisol is NOT a bad hormone, and it is necessary for a healthy life. Exercise is a form of stress, and we know that exercise can help to increase testosterone. However, long-term stress (lasting a few days) can have a negative impact on your testosterone levels.

It’s all very well telling you to reduce stress, but this is unhelpful advice.

If you work in a stressful job, are in the middle of a divorce, have a sick child, or are in the middle of a long-running argument with your neighbours then it’s not exactly possible to remove stress from your life.

However, it may be possible to improve how you react to stressful situations. You can learn better strategies for conflict resolution, see a therapist, take up yoga, go for massages, meditate each night, or a combination of all of the above can help lower your stress levels. This can prevent a reduction in testosterone levels.

#2: Lose Belly Fat

One possible reason for belly fat is that your body is producing too much oestrogen, a female hormone [57].

There are oestrogen blockers available that can help.

Losing belly fat can be achieved by lowering your overall calorie intake, and eating a moderate fat, moderate carb and high protein diet, coupled with regular intense exercise.

#3: Get Some Sleep

Your sleep patterns dictate your overall health, as this is when your body repairs itself.

If you aim to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep per night you will find that your testosterone levels will be higher than those who only get 5 or 6 [58].

Not getting enough sleep will see a negative impact on your testosterone levels.

You will also see an increase in appetite and a reduction in non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).

This leads to a reduction in calories expended during the day and an increase in calories consumed (well usually – you can consciously prevent both of these from occurring of course). This would eventually lead to weight gain as you would see a shift in your metabolism.

A reduction in exercise and increased weight gain will both lead to lower testosterone levels on their own. But bad sleep can also lead to increased stress – which leads to enhanced cortisol levels. This can also affect testosterone.

A 2010 study by Goh & Tong found that men who slept less had lower testosterone levels than men who received adequate sleep each night [59].

#4: Quit Smoking

With all the research around about the dangers of smoking, it surprises me when I see people light up.

But Cancer is just one issue. Smoking can also impact your natural testosterone levels [60].

If you want to quit, which you should, there are patches, or gum you could try. Hypnosis is another method that has shown promising results too.

#5: Check Your Thyroid

As you get older it is worth checking to see if your thyroid is working as it should.

If you are suffering from hypothyroidism your thyroid will not be producing enough hormones to keep your body and metabolism working as it should, which could have a negative impact on testosterone production [61].

Your doctor can test that your thyroid is working properly, and can then prescribe medication if it is not.

#6: Get Some Sunshine

Chances are that if you have an office job that keeps you indoors most of the week that you are not getting enough sunshine.

This can leave you deficient in vitamin D, which is used by the body to promote stronger bones and to produce testosterone [62].

One option is to try and get a little more sunshine, or you could take a supplement.

#7: Take A ZMA Supplement

ZMA stands for zinc, magnesium and vitamin b6, which can help aid your sleep patterns, as well as increased testosterone production [63].

#8: Have Regular Sex

Men who have regular sex have been found to have more free testosterone than those who do not [64].

#9: Supplement With Resveratrol

Resveratrol is found naturally in grapes. However, you are unlikely to see much benefit from eating this fruit as you need to consume large quantities.

This is why using a resveratrol supplement is a better option.

#10: Don’t Be A Vegetarian

Many vegetarian diets are full of soy and fibre, which are not good for testosterone production.

To maintain optimal testosterone production meat is needed.

#11: Avoid Plastic Containers

Plastic containers often contain phthalates that have been shown to increase oestrogen levels in the body, opt for glass containers instead [65].

#12: Know The Side Effects Of Prescription Drugs

There are certain prescription drugs that can reduce testosterone production as a side effect, here are some of them:

  • Corticosteroids and opiate-based painkillers.
  • Some beta-blockers and tranquillisers
  • A type-2 diabetes drug called Sylfonylurea
  • A blood pressure drug called Spironolactone
  • Acid reducers such as; Tagamet and Cidemetidine etc
  • Hair-loss drugs such as Finasteride and Dutasteride
  • Statins and other drugs that interfere with cholesterol synthesis
  • Some anti-fungal drugs, such as the commonly used Ketoconazole
  • Many SSRIs (anti-depressants)

#13: Look At Your Posture

In a study undertaken at Harvard University, it was shown that testosterone production increases when subjects were asked to perform ‘high-power poses’.

These poses included taking up more space, standing tall and hands on hips.

#14: Look After Your Testicles

Most of your bodies testosterone is produced by your testicles. It, therefore, makes sense that you should look after them.

One thing you must do is to try and keep your testicles cooler than the rest of your body. There is a reason why they hang outside of your body after-all.

I would suggest sleeping naked, wearing loose underwear and taking frequent cold showers too as these can all improve testosterone production [66].

#15: Supplement With Forskolin

Forskolin is well-known for increasing cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) levels within the body.

cAMP is a messenger that transports biological signals between cells and hormones. So increasing it can lead to an increase in testosterone [67].

#16: Use Creatine

Studies have shown that athletes who have supplemented with creatine had higher testosterone levels than those who had not [68].

Creatine can increase cellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels, which can help increase the supply of energy to your cells. This, in essence, allows you to perform better.

#17: Take a Probiotic

Gut health is linked to testosterone production so it makes sense to take a probiotic to increase the number of good bacteria present in your gut [69].

Our Final Testosterone Boosting Tip

Our final testosterone boosting tip is to use a supplement.

Natural testosterone boosters are very popular at the moment and are often seen as a perfect alternative to steroids.

Sadly, they are nowhere near as effective as androgenic steroids. That does not mean that they are useless though. For men who suffer from low testosterone, a natural testosterone booster can help them hit their required levels.

Some of the more popular compounds used in testosterone boosters include:

  • Tribulus Terrestris is a vine growing in warmer climates. When taken as a supplement it is said to increase natural testosterone levels.
  • DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone. This is an endogenous steroid hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands, the gonads and the brain which is said to increase free testosterone levels.
  • ZMA, or Zinc monomethionine and aspartate and Magnesium Aspartate. This is a supplement for athletes and bodybuilders that is said to increase testosterone levels.
  • Eurycoma longifolia has been shown to reverse the inhibitory effects of estrogen on testosterone production.
  • Chrysin is said to increase or stimulate the production of testosterone.

Finding a testosterone booster that works for you is important. What is right for your friend, or workout partner, might not be right for you.

What you want and need will depend on things such as body type, gender, age and your goals.

So don’t just buy the first one you can get your hands on or the one your workout buddy is using.

Shop around, talk to an expert in a supplement store or your doctor. Make sure you’re buying one that is most suitable for you.

Of course, there are hundreds of supplements that claim to help boost testosterone levels. Many work as claimed but there are others that are best avoided.

Luckily for you, we have done the hard part and compared some of the best testosterone boosters currently available.

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0 thoughts on “Natural Testosterone Boosters : The Ultimate Guide To Low Testosterone”

    1. Lots of the above tips will be ok for you.

      I would also consider adding the following foods to your diet. These foods have been shown to boost testosterone and are safe for vegans:

      Pumpkin Seeds
      Chia Seeds


    1. The price of TRT will vary patient by patient. With prices that are as low as $24 per month to over $120 monthly. These estimates only cover the cost of the drug itself and not all possible costs of testosterone replacement therapy.

    1. Jay - Skinny2Fit

      Testosterone imbalances in women can affect their physical appearance and overall health. Symptoms of high testosterone in women may include mood changes, a deepening of the voice, thinning hair, and acne.

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