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Tim Conde
How I Keep Going and Continuously Build a Bigger and Better Physique

Tim Condes Stats When We Talked with Him 💪

United States
26 years
180 cm
(5 ’11)
96 kg
(211 lbs)

Follow Tim on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook

👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

What’s up my beautiful people! My name is Tim Conde and I’m currently 26 years old. I was born in New York, raised in New Jersey and located in Connecticut.

Currently, I work as a Wellness Coach at a Charter Oak Health Center helping people achieve better health outcomes.

At my day job, we offer various health and wellness classes for people to attend and build a routine of creating healthy habits. I truly have a passion for helping those who are eager to change and want to create a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to my day job, I have my own online coaching business TC Fitness where I have the capability of coaching people all around the world.

With online coaching, I’m able to become a personal trainer in your pocket who is available 24/7 to motivate, inspire and educate individuals to develop positive habits.

Some of my accomplishments in the fitness industry include placing 5th in my first ever NPC Men’s Physique show in 2018(NPC New York State Grand Prix) and recently placing 4th in my second NPC Men’s Physique show last year 2019(NPC New Jersey State Championship’s)!

Placing well in my shows and bringing in a well-conditioned physique opened many doors for me and has made me the person I am today. Personally, I learned a lot from these experiences and am now able to extend my knowledge to those who want to take their physique to another level.

Some other accomplishments include being accepted into the Redcon1 Tier Operator program and climbing up the ranks to Tier 2, I’m an official Flexgun Athlete, as well as an iWON Organics Ambassador.

Being in the Tier Operator program allows me to share my love for the brand while receiving benefits such as free products and commission.

Everything I promote or suggest would be something I genuinely believe in and trust. All of the brands listed above are ones that I can say positively impacted my fitness journey.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

Usually, on my offseason I keep cardio to a bare minimum to save those calories directly to the muscles.

Currently, I run a push, pull, leg split twice a week. I feel this program is most effective because you are hitting each body part twice a week.

This is a 6-day training split and while you are on this split your body can rest and recover to prepare for the next workout within 48 hours.

I incorporate compound lifts into each of my workouts which typically runs for about an hour and a half.

My gym sessions will be longer during my prep for my competitions due to the extra cardio I have to do. Usually, on my offseason I keep cardio to a bare minimum to save those calories directly to the muscles.

Some of my favorite exercises include the bench press, pull-ups, and the barbell squat. My chest has always been the focus of improvement for me because I could use some development in these muscles, but my love for the bench press has helped me to achieve major chest gains.

I enjoy pulling ups because it is a compound movement and requires more than one muscle to be engaged during the exercise. Pull-ups are one of the main exercises in a calisthenics program and should be a staple in everyone’s workout routine.

In the past, I’ve followed a calisthenics program and had some fun with it.

Lastly, I enjoy barbell squats because it requires a lot of energy and this allows me to sweat more and burn more calories while building up my leg muscles because no one wants chicken legs. Never skip leg day!

Becoming a Redon1 Tier 2 Operator has allowed me to receive top of the line supplements every month. All the supplements I take are from Redcon1.

If you are serious about trying something from Redcon1, click the link and use my code “T20TimCon” to save 20% off your order.

Before my training session, I take pre-workout (Total War), a pump product (Big Noise) as well as a muscle builder (MOAB). During my training session, I take amnio’s (Breach) and creatine (Tango) which allow me to push through the difficult times of my workouts.

Post-workout I typically have a protein shake (MRE-Lite) which aids in the recovery of the muscles fibers that were being torn during my workout.

Generally speaking, I do not believe that supplements are necessary to achieve your goals but are an aid in giving you an extra edge in the gym.

Any questions on Redcon1 or supplements feel free to email me at [email protected]

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

At the end of the day, it will always be YOU vs YOU. Looking back at what I’ve achieved and what I want to achieve is the motivation to keep pushing.

I’ve always been a motivated and driven person which carried over into my fitness journey. Every day I aim to take small steps forward to build a bigger and better physique.

Each person has 24 hours in a day, what you decide to do with your downtime is what will help a person become successful in making your goals and dreams come true.

I always make time for my fitness goals even though I work full time, have an online business and a family to come home to every night.

The biggest challenge that I’ve faced would have to be acquiring the patience to see the physical results of my training. Today we want everything fast and at the snap of our fingers but when it comes to fitness that’s not the case.

Having patience is important and you must treat your body like a house, building it brick by brick on a solid foundation. Pushing yourself every day will yield motivation and inspiration to those around you. Overall, we all have to trust the process, have patience and continue pushing forward.

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

I just released my first YouTube video! Check out my channel, and subscribe for weekly content.

I have been receiving a lot of love and support from all around the world as I continue to pursue my passion. I built my business from the bottom up and the potential to reach thousands is in the near future.

In the next five years my goals would include building my YouTube channel and online coaching business TC Fitness.

I have set these goals for myself because I care about people. I want to reach as many people as possible so that I can help them reach their own fitness goals. I plan on posting weekly content on all of my social media platforms and continuing to push myself so that I may be an inspiration to those around me.

Prior to my fitness journey, I was just a normal skinny kid who loved to play basketball and decided to take a different course of action to help other people with their fitness goals.

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I saw the light in people when they did not see and I saw the potential they had to achieve success in their fitness journey. I wanted to be a part of the molding and shaping process of good training and healthy life decisions for the people who wanted to give fitness a try.

If I could start over, I would start younger. If I decided to start my fitness journey younger, I would see a lot more progress in myself today.

For those thinking about starting your fitness journey tomorrow or in another year, I would highly recommend that you start today.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, I would be more than happy to help. Check out my YouTube channel and my website for more information on getting your journey started.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

Avoiding injuries and setbacks can be a difficult feat but with the proper knowledge and information, it can be prevented. With rest, proper nutrition and proper form during exercises you are setting your body up for success, these are the key components to avoiding injuries.

Typically, you should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep daily so that you are well-rested and ready for your workout. Listening to your body and knowing when to take a break is another form of resting. It is just as important to take a day off from the gym and let your body heal as it is working out.

If there is ever a time where I am injured, I take the necessary precautions so that I can get back to my normal workout routine. While I am injured, I make sure to properly warm up my body with some brisk cardio and stretch before a workout.

For example, if it is your pectoral muscle that hurts you, I would focus more on pulling movements for the upper body but, if I am severely injured it is in my best interest to take a few days off.

This will ensure that I can come back to the gym and have optimal workouts without further injuring myself. As a Flexgun athlete, I can use this deep tissue massage gun daily to help with muscle recovery.

This helps break down some of the lactic acids build-up and also promotes blood flow. Miss. Flexy always treats me right and if you’re interested in picking one up using my code TimConde15 to save yourself 15% off (

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

The tool I find most beneficial is MyFitnessPal.

There are many approaches to nutrition, the approach that I take is “if it fits your macros” (IIFYM). That being said this approach does not mean that you eat junk food daily. What this means is you have a variety of food options that you are allowed to have, there is no such thing as good and bad foods.

I follow the 80/20 rule which means 80% of my food comes from healthy options like vegetables, healthy fats, simple carbs, and proteins. The other 20% comes from what some might consider being simple sugar foods like rice crispy treats, granola bars, and muffins. My diet does fluctuate depending on whether I am bulking or cutting.

I am stricter with my diet while I am in a cutting phase. During this phase, I count calories, weigh my food on a scale and calculate when I am allowed to have cheat meals.

During the bulking phase, I am in a calorie surplus which means that I can go out to eat with family and friends more often enjoying more calorie-dense foods. I still track my food but I can estimate the amounts because I eat the same foods every day.

The tool I find most beneficial is MyFitnessPal. This tool can be used on your phone and is easy to operate once you start to input some food options. I can see a breakdown of my macros for each meal and as a whole for the day.

This app also allows you to scan barcodes on your food to track the nutrition panel. Download this free app on your smartphone device to support your fitness journey.

👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

I would have to say that my family has motivated me, my parents have always told me to never give up. Every time I have failed, they have been there to help push me forward in my life.

I always want to provide the best for my family and they motivate me to follow my dreams.

Personally, I am a self-starter and entrepreneur so I have always possessed the ability to create something from nothing. I do however speak with people in the fitness industry for advice and tips.

Being around like-minded people will always inspire and motivate you. I follow many bodybuilders, and online coaches via social media which is a blessing to connect with people with a click of a button.

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

My advice to someone who is new to the fitness industry would be to create a plan. You want to have the blueprint before you build the mansion.

Having the right person like a coach in your corner will help ease some of the struggles one might face, you don’t have to face it alone.

I would recommend for anyone to leave their ego at the door. Some people come into the gym thinking they’re the biggest and toughest in the gym, trying to lift the heaviest.

This is one way to injure yourself and make a fool of yourself. I believe that knowing yourself and capabilities will always separate yourself from the pack.

Set realistic goals and push yourself. The last piece of advice I have is don’t compare yourself to others. Your fitness journey will take consistency, dedication, hard work, sweat and time. Nothing happens overnight so by taking small steps every day on the right path will lead to great results.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

The most common training question I get is “How did you get so big?”

Currently, I am accepting new clients. I typically handle 10 clients at a time to provide each client with a more personalized experience. I want to provide my clients with all my attention and knowledge that I have to give.

What separates me from other coaches is that I am a men’s physique competitor as well as practice what I preach. I can provide nutrition and workout plans based on your lifestyle.

If you are someone who can make it to the gym every day, someone who can only make it three days a week or even someone who can only do home workouts, I have a plan for you. Check out my website for more information.

The most common training question I get is “How did you get so big?” The answer is simple, consistency. I went from 175lbs to 211lbs in a span of 4 years. During that time, I was in a caloric surplus and working out six days a week.

As a natural competitor gaining muscle comes with time. It’s the daily grind and the attitude of never giving up that brought me to where I am today. When people doubt you, silence them with success!

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

To learn more about me follow all of my social media platforms. I’m on Instagram @tim_conde, I have a Facebook Page Tim Conde Fitness and my YouTube channel(Tim Conde).

For all other information my website is I look forward to connecting with you.

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