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Theresa Ivancik – IFBB PRO – Spotlight

Theresa Ivancik is an IFBB PRO, bodybuilding and fitness model. What inspires her training?

Quick stats

Age: 33
Height: 5’6
Weight: Off season 183 / On season 155-160

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

I worked at a local gym and was looking through Oxygen magazines and saw a figure competitor and told myself I wanted to look like that. So I began doing research on diets and training.

I did my first show in figure back in 2007 then switched to bodybuilding in 2009, competing in my first show in 2010 which I shared the stage with my 83 yr old grandpa! Who’s now currently 89 still lifting ????

Theresa Ivancik

Where does your motivation come from?

Motivation is just in my blood. I strive to be better everyday!

I’m very competitive and sometimes hard on myself, I take the diet and training pretty serious! If I don’t like one of the sets I just did I do another ????

Theresa Ivancik


What workout routine has worked best for you?

Routine was right now I’m experimenting lol but I’ve always done one body part a week and lagging part twice a week. On season I train 6 days week off season I cram into five.

Theresa Ivancik

What one exercise could you not live without?

Probably could not live without side laterals the burn is just awesome ???? and I love shoulders!

Theresa Ivancik

What is the body part you are most proud of, and how did you get it to that stage?

Again my shoulders it’s my favourite day!

I train them hard and a lot of different angles.

Theresa Ivancik

What is your diet like?

My diet now is whatever I want basically as long as I’m getting protein and carbs I’m good. I don’t normally hammer veggies in the off season.

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Theresa Ivancik

How does your training and diet evolve as you get closer to a competition?

I still train the same that never changes but diet gets insanely strict.

I’ve done both carbs and no fat high protein diet and I’ve done moderate proteins no carbs high fat… Both had very similar result just one I felt super flat!

Theresa Ivancik

What’s the one food you couldn’t live without and how do you handle food cravings?

Food is fuel so I really don’t have one food I couldn’t live without. Other then the fact I like me some ice cream. Birthday cake that is!

Theresa Ivancik

What supplements do you use?

I use Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin C, L-Glutamine and a multi vitamin. Protein powders consist of Whey Isolate.

Favourite quote?

Life live to the fullest and conquer dreams you only live once.

Social Media

Facebook: Theresa Ivancik ifbbpro
Instagram: tivancik_ifbbpro


0 thoughts on “Theresa Ivancik – IFBB PRO – Spotlight”

  1. You look phenomal great and you are very beautiful women and so great in shape I been working out going on 36 years I like the female bodybuilders they look great.keep on doing your great workout you are very gorgeous God bless bye now ruben

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