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Nir Shamir
How I Combine Movement, Yoga and Calisthenics to Become Fit and Strong

Nir Shamirs Stats When We Talked with Him 💪

25 years
182 cm
76 kg
(168 lbs)

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👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

Hi BulkHackers! My name is Nir Shamir. I’m 25 years old from Raanana, Israel. I am a movement and mobility trainer, yoga instructor, sports therapist and osteopath student. I have been training since childhood. I am involved in ‘human movement’ all my life.

I workout between six to seven times a week. My workout doesn’t involve weights and focuses on improving movement rather than just muscle mass.

A good week of training needs to consist of: Movement, yoga, capoeira and calisthenics. Each one of these works on the connection between the body and mind, improving functionality in day-to-day life.

The language we develop between the body and the mind, facilitates a greater control of your body through the space.

We have an incredibly powerful machine in our hands.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

I begin each morning with 20-30 minutes of yoga.

I try to workout at least an hour and a half every day. I begin each morning with 20-30 minutes of yoga. The yoga mind accompanies me throughout the day while I train in yoga or go about my daily activities.

My workouts are organised daily. It is a plan I created for myself and it works perfectly. I strike a balance between body weight and mobility exercises, with the goal of improving motor control to better orientate myself in a fluctuating environment.

My best training tool is the floor. Not needing any equipment means that there is nothing holding me back from training anywhere, at any time.

I don’t need any weights or gym equipment, I just need will and desire. But you always find juggling balls, which is so much fun and challenging.

My favorite exercise is hand balance as it contains strength, balance, and motor control. There are a lot of options to improve this skill and you can do it everywhere.

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

Firstly, you must have goals. Our goals pave the path forwards.

Secondly, you should always remember and understand that the walls in your head can be passed. Our strength is limited by this wall our mind creates.

Do not be afraid to push yourself past your limit, you will discover much on the other side.

Thanks to my goals, I consolidate my vision for the future.

In difficult times, it is my goals and my vision that continue to drive me forward. We have one opportunity on the earth, our destiny is decided today by our decisions and willingness, by our hand.

Winner tip: Write a sentence or a mantra that you say every morning as words have a lot of influence.

To the dear readers of Bulk Hackers, I will allow you to have a sneak peak at my personal mantra, which is “I believe in my own way. I have all the power and strength in the world to fulfill my dreams and goals.”

Sometimes when I don’t have the motivation or I’m not in the mood to exercise, like everybody else, I think of day a rest day and not working out.

In these moments, I simply begin with baby steps. It doesn’t matter how long you workout, what’s important is to keep pushing forward and do five minutes more, 10 minutes more or one more exercise.

To never skip a workout ever again, simply plan your week each weekend and your schedule will be ready for a new week.

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Today, my exercises focus on improvement body weight, coordination, and motor control. In five years, I have an expectation to have a greater understanding of the human body, both anatomically and physically.

I am developing a training method, which combines yoga and movement training to improve the precision and fluency of movement. My trainees are the fruits of my labor. The look good, healthy, strong, flexible and like to move.

I expect that in the coming five years, I will be able to train and help many people both at home and abroad.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

Yoga helps me to protect my body.

You always have to consider that in whatever you are doing, there is risk. In our case, it’s a risk of injury. Once you understand this, it is far easy to accept what is happening and remain positive.

When I get injured, I firstly check which tissue is affected, why and which movement inflames the injury (always a student of osteopathy.) I then learn what I need to improve and how I can get back on track.

The rest is critical for recovery. I always massage the area, use ice and a heat pack (separately), take turmeric pills and finally, attempt to awareness and care of the area and imagine it healthy.

See also  How My Training Changed from Bodybuilding to Functional Movements after I Became a Vegan Father

At the end of the day, the brain is in charge of the recovery (just like any other trauma in the body, you should target the correct area.)

It is important to know that the area in injured is weaker than the rest of the body and needs to receive additional attention when exercising.

Yoga helps me to protect my body. The poses and stretches provide my body the correct treatment.

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

My diet consists solely of natural foods, all home cooked. Thankfully, I enjoy cooking so I know how to cook using natural ingredients. I don’t eat a lot of carbs but a lot of meat, chicken, good fats and vegetables.

Every Wednesday I have a ‘Vegetarian Day’ for both my health and the environment. You can eat EVERYTHING as long as you remember it should be in proportion.

We must realize that we don’t deserve to eat ‘fast food’ or ‘junk food’ whenever we want (e.g. we had a rough day, we deserve it.)

My cheat meal consists of ice cream or a good hamburger once a month. If you decide to eat, make sure you enjoy what you eat, there is no need to feel guilty.

👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

My relationship with the world of sport began at the age of five. Since then, I have participated in many different sports and many different coaches. These people taught me the love, honor and hard work that is evident in sports.

Now, as a coach myself, I do my best to pass on these values that did so much to change my world view. My personal experience has taught me that there is a sport for everyone and everyone enjoys movement, it’s in our nature.

The book of Robin Sharma, “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” inspired me and afforded me daily tools for both self improvement and to improve the lives of those around me. The techniques I learned from this book have guided me until today and remain relevant frequently.

A motivational sentence that has been with me for a long time:
“You are your deepest aspiration. Like your aspirations, you will be your intentions. Like your intentions, you will be desires. Like your desires, you will be your actions.”

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

Persistence is the key characteristic of winners.

To improve, you should firstly understand in what area you want to improve yourself. Then, choose a type of exercise and commit to it. Persistence is the key characteristic of winners.

Today, using the internet, many different sources of information are available to you. It’s important to ensure you choose your to take your inspiration from who is a positive example.

To ensure everything you are learning from them is suited to you, you should choose one that has the same body type as you.

Professional help will lead you to greater results, ensure you continue down your planned path.

To make sure you don’t get injured and continue to improve, you need knowledge. Knowledge is power. Check, read, and watch videos of exercises that you enjoy.

Learn from your experience and get to know your body, you are the most experienced coach of yourself that you can have.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

At these moments, I train groups and individuals privately, and I also receive clients online for training program and professional escorts.

My trainers know that my workouts are unconventional exercises and exceptional thinking about the fitness world. I am not dealing with bodybuilding, so a client who wants to gain mass in the shortest time will not come to me .. but a client who wants to feel the flow and control of body postures in the challenges that only him and his body face with.

In my training, they develop muscles, strengthen, coordinate, flexibility, motor control, much more focused through their lives. My kind of training challenging the body and brain as one.

I believe that a trainee who is dedicated to my training even within a month, he will see first results and not just physically, but six months is the minimum to acquire skills and strength.

Part of the training program acquires tools for success in exercises that will challenge your will. These tools can help you deal with everyday situations.

A discipline of training is essentially a discipline of the mind and a willing for the pursuit of a goal. We can learn to apply that in that different frameworks in our lives to achieve our other goals.

Question: I’m not good at it, why do it? Because if we always do only things that we are best at, we will not get better and always stay within our little box, so to get out from there, we have to do things that take extra miles out of us. Achieving them will bring great satisfaction.

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

You are always welcome to visit me 🙂

My Instagram (main): @nirrshamir
My Facebook: Nir Shamir Personal Trainer

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