We talked with Mayara Faria in July, 2020.
Mayara Farias Stats When We Talked with Her 💪
28 years
183 cm
82 kg
(181 lbs)
Follow Mayara on Instagram
Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
Hey, it’s a pleasure for me to give this interview to Bulk Hackers. My name and Mayara, my nickname is May, I am 27 years old, I am from Brazil and I live in Rio de Janeiro. I have a degree in International Relations and now I study Physical Education.
I was an ex-rower for 10 years and participated in state and national championships until I was 20, but I had to drop it to go to college and in my second year of college, I met CrossFit and fell in love with the sport.
I’ve been training since I was seven years old, I always liked sports that involved the hardening training and discipline, and my father always supported me to participate in sports and challenge me. Throughout these 20 years, I have always practiced self-performance sports.
My hobbies are reading books on mental development and growth within the sport. I love to learn about other athletes’ stories, it motivates me a lot, besides doing yoga.
One of my sponsors is a health pharmacy called Farmakacia (farmakacia.com.br @farmakacia ). They have been with me for four years and are my biggest collaborators. They really help me a lot to stand out in my daily workouts. And the Lynkbee team ( lynkbee.cc), which has been helping me make more money by managing my digital career.
In my CrossFit training, I love to do Olympic lifting and endurance training, they are the ones that I stand out in competitions and I dedicate more to training. I have few training colleagues. I believe that for you to play high-level sports, it requires a lot of strength and a strong mindset.
To add, I am currently focused on keeping training during this pandemic period, I am also working to launch my collection of CrossFit socks.
Describe a typical day of training
When I train, I follow a philosophy in which I give 220% of my body, time and dedication to my training, I do not spare myself in any exercise that is established.
I train six hours a day, six days a week. I divided my time into three training sessions. Morning = strength training and Olympic lifting, afternoon = gym and core training and evening = running, swimming and endurance training.
For three years, I followed all the routines that my coach Beto Cardoso gave me, and with that I fit into my daily routine. Workouts that have always given me a great result are strength and speed workouts. I am a very explosive athlete with a lot of sprains. My nutritionist always helps me with my paleo diet and we also try to cut some carbohydrates.
I train with the Vittoria Crossfit Team. I started training there when my coach invited me to see his box. Right away I fell in love with the place and its vibe and agreed to train with them.
When I’m going to train I always put on my training playlist I do my mobilities, I start to mentalize the movements that I will perform and how I will behave during training.
I used BCAA from Farmakacia and TNT energizers to give me a gas during training. When I finish training, I do a calm lap to cool my body and prepare to rest and eat for the next session.
I take it in my training bag = lifter, running shoes, three knee pads, four grips, two wristbands, magnesium powder, socks, carbohydrate gel, chocolate, lifting tape, my mobility roller, deodorant, my wallet and my car document.
When I train cardio, I always do some drills before training to warm up and prepare myself. The exercises I like to do most are Clean and Jerk, assault biking, rowing and running. I use a Garmin watch. Also, I keep all my training records so I can compare my weaknesses and where I have improved over time.
How do you keep going and push harder?
It may seem like something out of the ordinary, but I never feel unmotivated to go to training. I’ve had three major surgeries in my life and they always motivated me to want to dedicate myself and train a lot more and develop my skills as an athlete.
I am motivated by the difficulty, it shows me how much I can improve and evolve as a person and an athlete. I have had great support from my family and friends over the years and I consider myself a person who has a very strong psychology for pressure situations. mobility and training strength helped me a lot to improve some weaknesses and are my hacks.
I focus on my goals as an athlete and where I want to reach and I will not give up until I reach them. HAHAHA …. well my family knows how focused I have been my whole life I played sports so for them it is very natural. I don’t have many friends, but the ones I do know about my routine and always try to have time for me when I’m on vacation.
My biggest challenge was my knee surgery and when I had tuberculosis. And the way I dealt with it and matured helped me a lot to have more focus and strength of will for my sport.
How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
Now we are living in the middle of a global pandemic for COVID-19 and since March I have been quarantined at home and training as I can and staying positive so that everything turns up in the best way.
Regarding training, I am very old school. I like to train with rigid training and rigid coaches.
My goals five years from now are participating in CrossFit games, getting married and working as a coach because it is something I love to do, help other people to take care of themselves and feel good about themselves.
If I could change something in my career, it would have been to train more outside the country and to have experience with other coaches and cultures. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, you have a great future for freight and a beautiful story to be told.
How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I do a lot of mobility training and an ice bath, I already had two knee injuries and I dealt with them with a lot of strength and determination, as this is part of an athlete’s life.
I sleep six to seven hours a day.
Trips are part of the athlete’s life and we have to organize ourselves so that everything fits as planned.
All my supplementation comes from the company that makes my Farmakacia vitamins. My physiotherapist and my bodybuilder treat me with some techniques that make my body support the great loads of training that I receive throughout the week.
I really like Theragun and the treatment with needles.
I see failures and losses as a process of learning and evolution within the sport and they are necessary for the growth of an athlete, without lessons we cannot evolve.
How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
I have followed the Paleo diet for six years and it has always helped me a lot during my training and performance periods. Average consumption of 5 to 7 thousand calories per day. and it depends a lot on how my nutritionist sets up my pre-season and off-season diet. We try not to have so many restrictions, but I don’t drink alcohol and I’m not a smoker.
During the pre and off-season periods we only increase the carbohydrates a little and one can eat a sugar one. I have no problem going to places that do not have what I strictly follow in my diet, when that happens I always eat like before and stay calm.
I don’t take any supplements. Everything I use comes from medicinal products from the Amazon and herbs. My eating times are breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, snack and fast.
My cheat day usually on Saturdays, I eat a hamburger or pizza and chocolate milkshake. I don’t bulk. When I need to lose weight I eat lots of vegetables and chicken. I never drank alcohol and I don’t even like the smell.
Here in Brazil, we have the habit of drinking matte with cold lemon. When I have a diet that takes some of my energy I always try to adapt it with some vitamin or protein shake to help me during the day. I am using a common scale to weigh my food.
What has inspired and motivated you?
The books that inspire me most as an athlete are: “How Bad Do You Want It?” Matt Fitzgerald and “Can’t Hurt Me” David Goggins. I really like Goggins and Fitzgerald podcasts. I love to listen to 80’s rock and pop and also Beyonce.
The best advice I received was from my rowing coach: Never give up on your dreams and goals. I have inspiration from Mark Allen, Muhammad Ali, Tom Brady, Sara Sigmundsdottir, Tia Clair Tommey and and My coach Beto Cardoso. The same ones I talked about earlier.
Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
My advice for people looking to play sports, and looking for a good place to train and qualified professionals. Always ask questions and try to train as intelligently as possible.
I have seen people commenting on many mistakes while training and even some professionals, so the importance of looking for extremely professional people.
When I play other sports, I always look for professionals who can help me in the best possible way. My best investment in years was my Lifter.
Are you taking on clients right now?
Now I am not working in my field, I am studying and focusing on my training. But when the opportunity arises, it will be a great pleasure and learning for me, as I have always had the dream of helping people to change their lives in a healthy and safe way.
Where can we learn more about you?
Site: lynkbee.cc/immayfaria
Instagram: @immayfaria