We talked with Matt Fox in November, 2019.
👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
My name is Matt Fox. Im 32 years of age, married and have an almost 3 year old son.
I live in Noosa, Australia after relocating from Melbourne in January 2019 in search for year round beautiful weather and beaches which fit our lifestyle perfectly.
My training is based around bodyweight training, I haven’t been to a gym for a “normal” weight lifting session in 3 years.
I can’t stand the gym, I find it boring. I have also found the results and my body to be 10000x better than when I did go to the gym, I’ll never look back!
I coach people online at Bodyweight Built how they too can transform their body and fitness without needing a gym, giving you complete freedom to workout anywhere!
This type of training has had me featured in well known publications such and GQ, mens and Womens Health, the Daily Mail and also on national TV in Australia.
Since moving to Noosa in January I have opened up a outdoor training business here where I take daily group classes.
My sponsors are Bespunki, True Protein and Gymshark.
⏱ Describe a typical day of training
When it comes to my training I keep things quite intense most of the time.
The beauty of bodyweight training is that it allows you to really get you cardio, strength and core work in all at the same time, making it super effective and time efficient.
3 days a week I would try to do double sessions of about 30-40 min each, then the other 3 a single session with day 7 being a rest day.
Most of my sessions will include majority full body work, but I also narrow down on a specific area or movements too.
I often train at an grass field or on the beach.
👊 How do you keep going and push harder?
I set myself goals and I know that training makes me feel good and if I feel good then everything else radiates from that.
I like to train early in the morning because I find it sets up my day!
To stay motivated I set myself little goals, and reevaluate those goals regularly.
🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
I love our life in Noosa and can’t see myself moving back to Melbourne anytime soon.
I want to continue to grow my online presence and really show people the amazing benefits of Bodyweight Built training. I can honestly say its changed my life and potentially even saved it.
If I could start over and know what I know now I would of quit the gym long before I actually did!
🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I recover by taking a day off each week or more if I feel like it, I listen to my body, I eat well and I rest well.
I have been fortunate enough since stopping the gym to not have any major injuries, again I believe this is due to bodyweight training and training for functionality rather than pushing the heaviest possible weights in a movement that is unnatural for the body!
🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
For over a year now I have been 85% vegan, when I say 85% I mean that when I am home, or cooking I eat vegan. The 15% is when I go out for a meal or to a friends house, somewhere I am not in control of, I will eat whatever.
However in the past week I have made a commitment to go 100% vegan for at least a month to experiment how I feel, so far so good!
The supplements I regularly take are mushroom extracts, Bespunki “Reboot” and true protein vegan protein powder, I eat around 3000 calories per day, give or take.
👍 What has inspired and motivated you?
Freedom inspires me, the thought of changing peoples lives motivates and inspires me.
✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
Set goals and go out and do it, who cares what other people think, do what you want to do.
If you have a passion go after it, you’ll only regret it if you don’t.
Health is the most important thing you have, so you need to put yourself first!
🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?
Yes at Bodyweight Built I have various programs for both men and women at all levels. The difference with my programming is that you do not need a gym to do the workouts.
Same goes for equipment, I design programs which literally require zero equipment, giving you the freedom to workout whenever, wherever suits you.
This separates me from the majority of trainers in a few ways:
- You don’t need to pay for coaching then a gym membership on top.
- My training, I will teach you how to work with your body, prevent injury, improve mobility and become fitter, faster and stronger than ever before all without lifting a weight!
I am also taking more clients at my face to face Training in Noosa.
📝 Where can we learn more about you?
At Bodyweight Built and my personal website.
Instagram: @mattycfox
YouTube: @mattfoxcoach