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Lisa Migliorini
How Fitness Helps Me to Stay in Shape and Gives Me a Good Running Form

Lisa Migliorinis Stats When We Talked with Her 💪

26 years
163 cm
49 kg
(108 lbs)

Follow Lisa on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook

👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

I am Lisa Migliorini, I’m 26 years old and I live in the north of Italy, close to Milan. I have been a runner since I was a child and I’ve specialized in long road distance running (10k – half marathon). My PBs are 37’:20” on the 10k and 1h:23’:07” on the half marathon.

After the degree in Physiotherapy, I started the page The Fashion Jogger on Instagram with my boyfriend, with the aim to mix my two passions: running and fashion! I believe that the better you dress, the prettier you feel and the faster you run.

Now I’m a social media influencer and I collaborate with the most important sport, fitness and food/integration brands. I promote and participate to international competitions around the world too.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

I run with a group of friends. We help each other during workout sessions and it’s a lot of fun! I decide each week’s running schedule with my coach, based on my job and meetings.

Usually I do two workout sessions per week and the other days I do long runs or hilly runs. I always add on my training schedule fitness workouts, to increase my abs and core strength.

You can find my favorite fitness workouts on my YouTube channel.

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

The important thing is to have fun and smile every time you come back home from the training.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep going on with the same motivation. I think it’s completely normal for both an amateur or an elite runner.

Anyway, I love this sport activity and I couldn’t do anything different. That’s way I go out and run, even if I am tired from a working day or less motivated due to a bad period. The important thing is to have fun and smile every time you come back home from the training.

Since the start of The Fashion Jogger, the biggest challenge was to manage to organize my days in the proper way to follow my jobs and my training too.

Speaking about my students career, the biggest challenge was passing physiotherapy entrance test. It’s so difficult here in Italy and there are a lot of students who try it every year for just a few places. I remember I studied a lot and I was so afraid about not passing it. Luckily I made it!

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

We are all coming out from the COVID-19 situation. It’s not a great time for us all, a lot of families have struggled and are still struggling against it. Even for us runners it’s not being a great time: we had to stop running for months and there are no competitions yet.

Anyway, we are strong and we keep on fighting. I started running from one month, when the Italian government started permitting it. Now I’m coming back in shape and that’s a great feelings.

In the future, the aim is to run a marathon, so far I reached the half marathon. Trainings are going to be harder, but I believe this is the highest goal for a long distance runner.

I would invest much of my time on my training when I was at the high school. I trained six days a week and I was a good student too. I thought it was enough, but maybe I would have become stronger or an elite athlete with even more effort. Anyway, I’m really happy about my life and I don’t regret anything, I did my best and I always had fun, that’s so important.

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To my younger self, I would suggest to follow more my heart and not worry about people around you who don’t believe in myself or who don’t understand my life. It’s just a waste of time.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

Luckily, I’m a Physiotherapist and I can prevent and handle injuries in a great way. I always listen to my body to understand if it needs rest. I usually recover with a slow run or active rest day based on fitness workout and a lot of stretching.

The key is to do a lot of stretching, do a great warm up, do at least one day of recovery per week and change shoes when they are too old. In addition, do not burn the steps and don’t pretend to run a marathon as soon as you start running.

I love sleeping. When I’m on holiday, I sleep 8/9 hours per night, that’s the right amount for me. In daily life, I usually sleep 7/7.30 hours.

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

My diet is really balanced. I eat everything and carbs before workouts and competitions. I love sweets and pizza, I couldn’t do without them. I think we run to eat too! That’s why I eat everything in balance. I avoid just fat sweets, with creams or manufactured.

I also drink a lot during the day: hydration is so important in general and especially for active and sporty people. I use supplements too, of course, to recover faster after my training and to have the right energy to deal with them.

I use minerals and amino acids (some of my favorite brands are Foodspring and Polase Sport) and I take iron supplement too during the year.

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👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

My strongest motivation is inside me, I run for myself, to achieve my goals and to be satisfied after all the dedication and sacrifices.

I ran since I was I a child, I love this sport and I love to compete. My strongest motivation is inside me, I run for myself, to achieve my goals and to be satisfied after all the dedication and sacrifices.

My parents, my best friend, and my boyfriend always support me and give me energy. They gave me always great advice and they always listen to me. They always tell me to think about what I feel inside my heart and follow it.

Since I’ve founded The Fashion Jogger, my fan base has become a great inspiration for me, my followers give me a lot of motivation to not give up and push harder.

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

The first advice is to be motivated, even if things might become hard sometimes. Constancy is the key! You have to have fun during your training, of course. Sport activities must be an amusement. If you combine all of them, you will be happy to dedicate time to your training.

It’s so important to listen to your body and have some rest if you feel tired. Go to see a good Physiotherapist or Doctor if you have been injured: the less days you are off training, the better you will reach your goals.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

I work as a physiotherapist in my office almost everyday, scheduling my day on meeting/shooting or content creation as an influencer. These are my two jobs and through the years I managed to balance them quite well. I’m really busy but happy to keep on doing both of them.

On Instagram and YouTube I share my running and fitness training and I give to my followers training advice based on my experience and injury prevention advice.

As a sport/fitness fashion influencer, I receive everyday questions about what I am wearing or new shoes model impressions and review.

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

Instagram: @thefashionjogger
Facebook: @thefashionjogger
YouTube: The Fashion Jogger
Web site:

1 thought on “How Fitness Helps Me to Stay in Shape and Gives Me a Good Running Form”

  1. Lisa what an amazing story. Thank you so much always wanted to know more about you. So encouraging especially what’s going on in this world today. Nice to hear positive stories.
    Be well my friend (from Ontario Canada ????????).

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