We talked with Kendahl Jordan in October, 2019.
Kendahl Jordans Stats When We Talked with Him 💪
United States
22 years
178 cm
84 kg
(185 lbs)
Follow Kendahl on Instagram
👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
My name is Kendahl Jordan and I’m 22 years old. I grew up in and am currently living in Los Angeles, California.
I started playing sports when I was about three years old and even got the chance to play football at the collegiate level for a short time.
Because I started in sports so early, I started working out at an early age. First, it was just bodyweight movements like push ups, pull ups, and sit ups.
When I was around 13, I started lifting, using light resistance on basic movements. As time went on my training continued to develop to suit my level of experience.
After all that, those years of training experience eventually led to me getting certified and becoming a trainer.
Now that I no longer play any sports, my training mostly consist of bodybuilding style workouts, but still with functional athletic movements; as my goals now are just to look good, feel good, and stay healthy.
⏱ Describe a typical day of training
I typically wake up in the morning, get myself together and head straight to the gym.
My training days usually follow a push, pull, legs split; but that can change depending on my goals or how busy my schedule is at that time.
I like to make it so that when I walk into the gym, there’s no more distractions. It’s headphones in, hoodie on and go.
Having that kind of mentality, allows me to keep the intensity high and get my full workout in while only spending about an hour at the gym.
If I do cardio, its usually from playing sports with friends on the weekends or just staying active.
After my workout, I usually drive back home, eat some oatmeal and egg whites and begin my day.
👊 How do you keep going and push harder?
Honestly, routine and therapy. From all my years of playing sports, I’ve become so accustomed to getting up early and training that now it’s almost a necessity for me to workout in the morning.
It has become a positive way for me to start my day. By me going to the gym first thing in the morning, it allows me to get moving and do something to better myself right when I wake up and that carries on throughout my day.
🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
Currently, I’m transitioning from being an athlete back to just living a healthy lifestyle.
I’ve played football my entire life and over the past few years, I’ve dealt with numerous knee injuries that have ultimately made me decide to hang it up. But, due to how in depth I’ve been with my training and recovery over the years, I still feel physically capable even with all of my past injuries.
So I don’t see myself slowing down any time soon. My goals have just become less performance based and more about feeling good, looking good, and being overall healthy.
As for other plans, I have been working with an athletic club called SAGI to bring an online and in person training community to the public.
I just want to help and share as much knowledge as I can with others; while hopefully inspiring people through my work.
I feel that being a part of SAGI is a great way for me to do that. So, definitely stay on the look out for what we have coming.
🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I’ve dealt with a lot of injuries throughout my athletic career and it has really helped me to understand the importance of properly warming up.
Taking an extra 15 to 20 minutes to properly prepare your body, can drastically reduce the chances of injury.
Also, just taking scheduled time out of the week to fully stretch, get a massage, or do whatever you feel helps you the most is key to longevity.
🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
For now, my diet isn’t too restrictive. I don’t typically count calories or macros. I just try to stick to an 80/20 rule meaning that I try to eat decently well 80% of the time.
If there’s something I’m craving or if I want to go out with my friends, I can eat that as well.
For me, it’s just about monitoring how I look and feel; and making sure I get all the nutrients I need.
With supplements, I only take them when I can’t get all of the needed nutrients from my diet.
Still, I usually only use a pure native whey or vegan protein as they’re quality sources of protein. Ascent protein or True protein are some great brands to check out for that.
My diet usually reflects my goals at the time, so unless your goal is to compete in high level sports or do a bodybuilding show, then you don’t need to be too hung up on weighing food and things like that.
You can eat well, develop a good physique, and still enjoy your life. It’s all about balance.
👍 What has inspired and motivated you?
I’m generally inspired by those around me. I have some great people in my life, such as my parents, who have accomplished so much in their time and that has only inspired me to do more.
Also, I would say I’m just motivated to become the best version of myself. I see what I am capable of and what others have sacrificed to help me reach my full potential and that pushes me to be better every day.
I think that when people believe in themselves, as I hope everyone should, it can only make you want to reach your full capability.
✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
In terms of health and fitness, I always tell people to start out doing something they enjoy.
If you want to improve your health and are new to fitness, find a sport or activity that you enjoy doing. It can be playing basketball or just going on hikes; but this way, you are more likely to stick to it.
Then as you want to advance in your training, find a style of training that you enjoy. Simply lifting weights everyday isn’t for everyone.
In terms of life, be honest with yourself. I think it’s important to self-reflect and learn from yourself and others. No real self-improvement can happen if you aren’t first completely real with yourself.
🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?
Yea, I’m still doing online based coaching. I specialize in helping athletes, but have recently become more involved in general fitness programs as well.
I offer different customizable options, so if you’re someone who’s willing to put in the hard work, definitely direct message me on Instagram (@kendahljordan) or check out my Fiverr account @kb_athletics.
📝 Where can we learn more about you?
Check out my Instagram (@kendahljordan). I’ve been working on some cool, new content, so definitely stay tuned for that.