We talked with Josef Rakich in January, 2020.
👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
My name is Josef Rakich, I am 28 years old. I was born in Auckland, New Zealand and have lived here my whole life, but my parents are from Croatia.
My day job is an online fitness trainer and I help people from all around the world reach their fitness goals through my personalized meal plans & workout programs which are all updated monthly and all accessible via my mobile app.
I also have a software company called MacroActive where I create apps and websites for other people who wish to run their own online fitness business where they can offer personalized meal plans & workout programs as I do.
As well as that I have my own supplement line called JRF Supplements and my own clothing line called Rakich Supply Co.
My main website for online training is JosefRakichFitness.com
I started training at a very young age all because my mother won a 2 week gym pass that she gave to me. I decided to use it and give it a shot at trying to build some muscle.
When the 2 week free trial expired, I ended up joining the gym because I was hooked on it already.
After a lot of hard work, and proper dieting I was able to see some results appear over time. Once I started to notice these little results I got even more serious about my training and dieting.
⏱ Describe a typical day of training
I like to train each main muscle group at high volume 1x per week with abs/calf’s 2x per week (depending on DOMS).
My routine as such always changes up every now and again I always like to add in new things, I usually train by time I try to spend 1.5 hours in the gym at a time.
I have about 3 different gym memberships as I like to switch it up because of the variety in machines as different machine will put different amounts of stress and activation on a muscle.
I usually train alone but if there is anyone who ever asks to train, I always make time for them too.
Sometimes I have had clients from around the world visit New Zealand and we get a training session in which is pretty epic.
My training philosophy is that no matter what you do at the end of the day, diet and consistency is the key.
👊 How do you keep going and push harder?
The one thing I look forward to in the morning is the gym. I don’t need to be motivated to do what I love.
I think this is where people need to find what works for them and the style of training and so they can enjoy and love the lifestyle.
I always try and get my training done early in the morning so that I am free the rest of the day to dedicate time to work and then spend time in the evenings with my fiancé and family.
🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
My main goals from here is #1 do what makes me happy and enjoy what I do. After that continue growing my business Josef Rakich Fitness and expand as much as I can.
I want to reach the same level as success as Weight Watchers have on a global scale and I know I will get there if I continue putting in the work on a daily basis.
I have a goal of helping over 1,000,000 clients and then 10,000,000 million after that.
🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I make sure to see a physio when I feel something might not be right. I also listen to my body. If I feel like I have passed my limit then I like to take some time to rest and recover.
I probably sleep 6-8 hours most nights. A good sleep is so important for me so I am rested the next day however there are times when I get little sleep but still highly functional.
However too many short nights of sleep will lead to a decrease in performance.
Form is important. I like to make sure my form is correct so that I can prevent injuries as much as possible.
I take multi-vitamins from Naturelo.
🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
Currently I am doing a Keto Diet which I really enjoy. I find my body works very well on high fat and I really love the food. I consume a lot of salmon, eggs, bacon and all the good stuff!
It also suppresses any cravings I have. I count calories and macros every single day and have done so for ther last 5-6 years without fail
The protein powder I take is either by EHPlabs or Optimum Nutrition.
I don’t drink alcohol and haven’t for the last 7 years.
I take my pre workout or fat burner sometimes. Both from my own brand JRF Supplements.
I drink a lot of water throughout the day as well and occasionally I will have coffee in the morning.
👍 What has inspired and motivated you?
I am motivated by progress, whenever I see progress in any area of my life it motives me even more to continue doing what I do and continue progressing as I find that is my high.
I also get motivated from all the support I get around the world on social media and all of my clients achieving amazing results.
This just motivates me to put in even more work with my own training in the gym and my business to take it to a whole new level so I can branch out even more and help as many people as I can worldwide.
There are many people who I look up to which I draw inspiration from myself. Greg Plitt and Arnold are 2 big icons who inspire me in the gym.
The Rock inspires me for his insane work ethic as it is literally second to none and then Elon Musk inspires me for his “anything is possible” mindset.
✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
The only way to start is to start. This could be applied to anything. Not just the gym and reaching a goal.
I hear a lot of people say that they don’t have time. This is the biggest excuse I see both online and offline.
Anyone can find the time to exercise and train but the reason they fail is because they don’t have a plan in place.
This is where I like to come in and take care of their personalised meal and workout program suited to their goals. If you have a plan and you follow the plan, you will not fail!
Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will support your fitness journey and respect your lifestyle.
I always tell my clients to set goals. You need them. When you are on the verge of giving up, this is when you will especially need them and realise their relevance to you.
Whether you like working out in the gym or outdoors, the important part is that you strive to do your best and to stay patient, consistent and hungry to achieve those goals!
🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?
I am always taking clients. However, I did manage to get at capacity this year and had to close off new signups for about two weeks but we are back up and running.
All our clients are online and from all around the world.
📝 Where can we learn more about you?
My Youtube channel or my Instagram would be the best place to start, I have so much content up on there.
Also, my main website for online training JosefRakichFitness.com