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Joanna Zwierzynska
I’m a Brazilian Zouk Dancer. This is How Fitness Made Me Stronger After a Hip Surgery

Joanna Zwierzynskas Stats When We Talked with Her 💪

United Kingdom
34 years
164 cm
54 kg
(119 lbs)

Follow Joanna on Instagram and YouTube

👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

Hi, my name is Joanna. I was born in Warsaw (Poland) and I’m currently based in London.

I am an actress, professional contemporary and Brazilian Zouk dancer, dance teacher, photomodel, influencer and soon to be a yoga teacher. I also have a Masters Degree in European Law and I work part time as a Marketing Project Manager for a Whisky Company. I speak five foreign languages and I love travelling.

I have been a finalist of the famous TV Show So You Think You Can Dance in Poland in 2012. I have established Brazilian Zouk Dance in Poland and I am an international teacher and judge of this dance. One of the more interesting projects I have done recently was doubling for Diane Kruger on the new film 355, where I also met and worked with Penelope Cruz.

I have danced my whole life. Staying healthy and fit was always my priority but I have learned how to really respect and take care of my body when I was seriously injured during my studies in Munich at Iwanson Contemporary Dance School.

Two years later, I had a hip arthroscopy and after that I had to learn how to become fit again and respect my body. After the operation, I saw many therapists and personal trainers who helped my to create a special program that makes me stronger, more flexible and doesn’t overcharge my body. I learned how to train properly, nourish, rest and relax.

I love fitness and working out in a smart way because I can see the result straight away. My body looks fit, I’m more flexible and stronger, I feel amazing and I have no pain!

I am working out two to three times a week at the gym, I dance and stretch two to three times a week and do two to three yoga classes a week plus my own home practice. I roll on a foam roller and release the trigger points in my body almost every day.

I am currently collaborating with a few sport, dance and cosmetics brands but I’m open to new collaborations. Most of the brands find me via my Instagram account @joanna_zwierzynska. I teach dance to hundreds of people around the world and they always ask me where I get my clothes from.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

I follow a gym workout plan designed by my personal trainer. We adjust it every a couple of months. I am working out two to three times a week at the gym (two-hour session including pool).

I dance and stretch two to three times a week (stretching takes me one hour) and do two to three yoga classes a week plus my own home practice. I roll on a foam roller and release the trigger points in my body almost every day.

After my gym training, I always go to the sauna. When I train at home, I always use the foam roller to relax my body at the end of the day.

I really like all exercises for abdominals and planks are the best.

I don’t really take any supplements beside some vitamins and from time to time spirulina powder.

I cycle to work four days a week – 30 min each way so that’s my cardio. 🙂

I use an Apple watch to track my activity.

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

Every time I feel low and lazy, I push myself to go and train and after I’m so much better.

I have done sports my whole life so I know how important it is to stay fit. Also, exercising produces endorphins, which makes you happier.

Every time I feel low and lazy, I push myself to go and train and after I’m so much better. I try to change my workout routine and exercises every couple of months so I don’t get bored. That’s probably why I do so many things like yoga, dance and fitness.

I believe that in order to improve, you have to adjust the workout to your own body. Everyone is different. It’s super important to do all the exercises in a correct way so try to invest in a one-hour session with a personal trainer who will help you to create your own training.

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

I feel that the way I take care of my body now has changed so much. I really try to listen to it and respect it. I don’t try to overwork my body and I stretch on a regular basis.

This year, I want to do yoga teacher training because yoga is my new love. I’m trying to push my online business with dance and “yoga for dancers” classes so I can be more independent and work from wherever I want as I love travelling. In a few years time, I want to have a baby so I know I have to be more focused now.

See also  I'm a Blogger, Model, and Coach. This is How I Improve My Self Confidence with Fitness

If I was a nine-year-old girl again, I would start with gymnastics as it gives amazing flexibility and body control and I would wish to meet smart trainers who know how to train people in a healthy way.

Dancers have so many injuries and I blame teachers who are not fully professional in what they do. They should study anatomy to be able to see what their students need. Of course, the proper diet is so important too.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

In order to avoid injuries, I roll every day to relax my body at the end of the day. I have also recently discovered myofascial release techniques and this is so great!

Sleep is also very important. I try to sleep for a minimum of eight hours. Drinking a lot of water should be a habit. I also drink a lot of ginger tea (I boil fresh ginger and add turmeric, lemon and honey).

When I travel, I always have a double ball with me so I can massage my body anytime. I have attached the link with my amazon website where I recommend items that I use to stretch and relax.

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

I don’t have any special diet. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I try to avoid meat. I love buckwheat and millet. I drink a lot of water with lemon, a cup of linseed (every morning) and herbal teas.

I try to drink water 20 minutes before I eat and after a meal, I don’t drink for two hours for a better metabolism.

Twice a year, I do an alkaline detox to clean my body from toxins. You can read about it in my blog.

When I go out I eat everything. I love food so for some special occasions I just enjoy whatever I feel like. I love wine too!

👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

My motivation is a healthy body that will serve me for many years. I admire people who are over 60 and look so fit and full of energy. Most of them do yoga. I recommend yoga and meditation to everyone.

On my Instagram, I follow several accounts but mainly my friend and personal trainer @alexandra.labedz and @jessicaolie for yoga and fitness inspiration (she looks gorgeous).

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

I really recommend everyone to mix up their training program so it’s more interesting.

If you want to change something in your life and become fitter and happier, there are several ways but first of all you need to understand that it’s your decision and it’s your body. If you don’t decide about the change in your head it won’t happen.

I really recommend everyone to mix up their training program so it’s more interesting. Take a session with a personal trainer so you are sure you do the right exercises and that the execution is correct (I see so many people at the gym making mistakes while training).

Change your eating habits if you feel you don’t eat healthy enough.

Take a yoga class at least once a week – it’s great because it will strengthen and stretch your body but you will also work with the breath, which is already a type of meditation.

Do you like music and have you always wanted to learn dance? Do it! I really recommend social dances like Salsa or Brazilian Zouk that I teach because the joy of dancing with other people is one of the best things in life.

The way dance activates your brain is just unbelievable. Recently many researches have been published on how people who are over 65 and keep doing social dances avoid Alzheimer and Parkinson’s Disease. I guess it’s worth trying, isn’t it?

One of the best discoveries that helped me to improve my life recently is a book “You can heal your life” by Louise Hay and practicing meditation. We live in a very busy world, we have to know how to calm our mind and be able to enjoy more simple, little things and appreciate what we have.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

I offer not only group and individual dance classes in London but also online sessions so you can join me from anywhere in the world. I also started to give yoga classes.

On my Instagram, I offer free/donation classes like dance, yoga or foam rolling techniques to release the body and stretching. Check it out!

I believe that my life experience and hip injury forced me to study more and find out new ways. That’s why I have a broad knowledge and when I teach I really know what I’m doing and I know that my clients will feel better.

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

If you would like to find out more about me and my classes here are some links:
My website:
Instagam: @joanna_zwierzynska
IMDB: Joanna Zwierzynska
YouTube: Joanna Zwierzyńska

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