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Gelie Dela Pena
How I Use Yoga to Cope with Anxiety and Stress

Gelie Dela Penas Stats When We Talked with Her 💪

31 years
168 cm
(5 ‘6)
57 kg
(125 lbs)

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Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

My name is Gelie Dela Pena and I am from Baguio City. I am the founder and General Manager of Pranalaya Yoga & Wellness Baguio

I have been practicing yoga for eight years, which started as a way to help me cope with anxiety and stress.

I have a 20-year background in dance, so yoga felt like a good transition for me to keep moving.

I enjoy art, books, and the outdoors.

Everyone can practice yoga! 🙂

Describe a typical day of training

Be curious, kind, and light-hearted with your practice.

My training philosophy is listen to what your body and mind need for the day. Be curious, kind, and light-hearted with your practice. There’s no need to push yourself beyond your limits.

I practice asana and meditation two to three times a week first thing in the morning for about two hours.

I usually take a cup of coffee and some fruit before training and I sit outside for a while to breathe, recover, and drink a lot of water after training.

I usually carry an extra set of clothes, a face towel, toiletries, water bottle, massage oil, and a journal inside my fitness bag.

As for my cardio, I cross train with HIIT, dance fitness, or swimming (if it’s a warm day).

My favorite exercises are lunges and handstands.

How do you keep going and push harder?

When my motivation is low, I acknowledge that in order for my body to take care of me, I must take of it first.

And that taking care of my health is an act of love to the people around me. I honor my “off days” with a kinder practice.

Well-planned schedules work for me to make time for my training and for my family.

The biggest challenge is balancing teaching while also completing my own training course.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Your pace is not the same as everyone else’s and you have no obligation to meet anybody’s expectations.

My practice is in a good place at the moment. I’m learning new skills to get to the poses that I want to learn to do and the practice is supporting me well.

Hopefully for the next five years, I will be able to teach more people in more places and be able to keep up with my own practice.
To achieve this, I just go on and continue teaching 🙂

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If I could turn back time, I wish I started sooner, I would advice to my younger self that don’t be so hard on yourself. Your pace is not the same as everyone else’s and you have no obligation to meet anybody’s expectations. And always be kind, always.

How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

To avoid injuries, I don’t push myself too hard and I don’t deny it when I’m tired/lack sleep, etc. When handling my injuries, I just rest. I sleep at least seven hours each night.

As for handling travels, I always make it a point that I have a few days at the start and end of the trip to just chill, no plans. I handle changes to my schedule with patience and a sense of humor.

How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

I follow a vegetarian diet as much as I can. With some days as an exemption when I would eat fish or chicken.

When attending social gatherings, I just go with the flow. I don’t want to cause too much difficulty to others.

As for cheat days, once a week or every two weeks. For junk food cravings, I give in a little, just to taste OR I distract myself with fruit, water, or nuts.

Coffee, tea or alcohol are all in strict moderation.

What has inspired and motivated you?

“Your practice will meet you where you are. Trust the process.” is the best advice I’ve received.

My inspirations are my teachers: Alicia Cheung, Oliver Reinsch, Marc Macadaeg, Sierra Siri Prakash Bullock, Dina Salonga, Aisa Locsin-Winternitz and some people I follow on Instagram like Jason Crandell, Patrick Beach, Sam Kapunan, Camoi Miraflor, Pudgethepit. 🙂

Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

Don’t rush it, and don’t put so much expectations on yourself and the practice. Just have fun with it!

The best $100 I’ve ever spent was when I bought my first yoga mat. 🙂

Are you taking on clients right now?

Yes I do, because I love to teach! I accommodate both in real life and online clients.

Yoga, Meditation, and Antigravity are my specialties.

It’s a good idea to hire me because I think it’s a great idea to meet new people and to explore how we can grow in wellness together.

To see results, it will take three to six months at least.

Most common question people ask me: Do I have to be flexible to start doing yoga? My answer is absolutely not.

Where can we learn more about you?

Websites: (under construction) & (coming soon!)


Pranalaya Yoga & Wellness Baguio

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