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Michael Gamil
How I Work Full-time, Study and Still Go to the Gym 5 Days a Week

Michael Gamils Stats When We Talked with Him 💪

25 years
168 cm
73 kg
(161 lbs)

Follow Michael on Instagram and LinkedIn

👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

My name is Michael Gamil, I’m 25 years old and from Egypt. Single with no kids. I’m a social media marketer, and I also study a digital marketing diploma during the weekend.

I have been training for about five years. I was very thin, and that always bothered me, so I decided to get my body in shape. Besides bodybuilding, I also do swimming, ping pong and play guitar.

What I like about bodybuilding is that it not only makes my body in a good shape, it also keeps me active and energetic. When I stop training for like a week, I feel so lazy.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

I usually go to the gym after work, before going I drink my RSP BCAA and a cup of coffee and sometimes eat a banana or an apple. I start training by doing some stretches, press and pull-ups.

My weekly program is:

  • Chest day
  • Arms day
  • Shoulders day
  • Rest day
  • Back day
  • Leg day
  • Rest day

My training usually takes about 1 hour per day and about 6 hours per week, and I usually train with my friend.

My favorite exercise is barbell bench press. At the end of training day, 3 times a week, I do some cardio like classic burpee, jumping lunge, mountain climber twist, plank and star jumps. When I do these exercises, it takes about 10 minutes each time.

After training I eat some vegetables and take my ISO100 Dymatize protein.

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

I always stay in hotels that has a gym

I’m a regular traveler, so I always motivate myself to train to be in good shape for vacations.

It’s important that I don’t skip training even when on vacations, so I always stay in hotels that has a gym, or at least a gym near the hotel.

When I feel down, I look back to my photos from before I started training. I remind myself that I don’t want to be that guy again.

Another thing is that I train with a friend, so we always motivate each other to keep going. I organize my time pretty well, I have a lot to do in my day but with plans and organizing, I find the time to do them all.

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

At first, I didn’t take my diet serious

My training nowadays is good, but it needs to be better. I skipped 2 days this week and last week also because I was feeling stressed about some issues concerning work.

In the future I’m planning to bulk. I’ll probably start in January. And I also want to change my protein powder, I’m using ISO100 Dymatize now but I don’t think that it’s the perfect one for me, so I’m thinking about trying Nitro Tech.

For the business, I’m planning to establish my ecommerce business and find a good team to manage the business because it’s takes more than one to run an ecommerce.

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If I could start over in my bodybuilding journey, I would definitely follow my discipline and diet more accurately. At first, I didn’t take my diet serious, so I didn’t get good results back then. So I would definitely change that and follow my diet.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

I always do some stretches before training to avoid injuries, and I sleep well, about 8 hours a day.

I also take BCAA for recovering and sometimes I take an ice bath (I buy a bag of ice from a grocery or convenience store and fill the bathtub halfway up with cold water. Then I add the ice to the bathtub until the temperature is 55–60 °F (13-16 celcius, I measured with a thermometer), and put on shorts and foot booties to protect sensitive areas. I start by only immersing the lower half of my body and then submerge other parts of my body and relax for about 6-8 minutes).

However, one time I had an injury in the right shoulder. I went to see the doctor and stopped training for about 1 year as he recommended me, so at that time I was only doing cardio and some daily stretches.

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

I have been following the same diet for the whole year

My diet usually consists of 4-5 meals per day:

  • 1 – oats with milk and 3 eggs
  • 2 – tuna
  • 3 – rice with chicken
  • 4 – salad and fruits
  • 5 – Diced beef with rice

I usually follow this diet carefully so I don’t worry about how many calories I eat.

I take one cheat day per week, I eat whatever I want in that day. I drink about 1 cup of coffee, 2 cups of tea a day and I don’t drink alcohol.

So far, I have been following the same diet for the whole year, but I’m planning to start bulking in January 2020 and then start cutting in May 2020.

For supplements, I take ISO100 Dymatize protein, RSP BCAA and MP creatine.

👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

I always watch Ulisses videos. He motivates me with his training videos. Plus the workout music that I listen to in the gym keeps me active.

Training with a friend also keeps me motivated.

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

Most people start doing bodybuilding and think that they will get their body in shape in a month or 2, that’s why they give up quickly.

My advice is to be patient and don’t expect to see good results before at least 3 months with consistency, and to focus on following a good diet to gain muscles and be in shape, and also to sleep 7-8 hours a day.

When it comes to training, train only one muscle group a day, drink a cup of coffee and a banana before training and eat well after training.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

No, I’m not interested in taking clients and doing bodybuilding as a job, because I already love my work.

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

My main social media profile is my Instagram: @michael_gamill

I’m also on LinkedIn: Michael Gamil

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