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Fernanda Rosa
This is How I Became Stronger and More Fit After My Pregnancy

Fernanda Rosas Stats When We Talked with Her 💪

41 years
163 cm
(5 ‘4)
63 kg
(139 lbs)

Follow Fernanda on Instagram and YouTube

👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

My name is Fernanda, I am a 41-year-old wife, mother of two (13 and nine years old). I live with my family in Rio Bonito, a small city in State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I am a high school teacher and I give classes three times a week. I am also a digital influencer, and with this occupation I can help many people to have healthier eating habits.

As a child, I had interest in swimming and dance (jazz). I practiced jazz until the age of 13, and participated in some competition among groups of dance.

After my second pregnancy in 2010, I gained weight and it was very difficult to lose it. I didn’t have a routine of exercises and my eating habits were wrong, and my self esteem became very low.

In 2013, I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn’t believe in what I had seen. The following day I started at the gym, with a routine of exercises, I looked for a nutritionist to help me with a food re-education.

The process is slow. It’s necessary patience and determination. Nowadays I am very happy with my body (I lost 13 kg). I am thinner, stronger, healthier. I inspire and motivate many people to have healthier eating habits.

⏱ Describe a typical day of training

My philosophy is: When you are tired, learn to rest. Don’t give up.

I train at the gym four times a week and each training has one hour and 30 minutes. I love aerobic exercises and also alternate weight training.

I do cardio exercises and I love them. my favorites are high knees, squat jumps, burpees, jump rope.

I train with a personal trainer. I think I get better results with individual program training.
I don’t use supplements and my personal trainer doesn’t agree with the use of supplements as well.

Bottle of water and cell phone are always with me at the gym.

👊 How do you keep going and push harder?

I love training! When I am training I am renovating myself. It’s my therapy. I don’t miss a day of training. When I face a difficulty in the exercises, I think that I am able to overcome , I am strong, and I go on.

I choose go to the gym while the children are at school. Doing this, I am always with them and our family routine isn’t damaged.

As for my work, my schedule is flexible. I work three times a week.

🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

At the moment my training is quite good! For the next five years, I intend to be at the gym, with my routine of training to keep quality of life. Being healthy with strong muscles. And to reach this, besides the training it’s necessary good eating habits.

See also  How Training Makes Me Love the Way I Feel Physically and Mentally

If I could start over I would have started my routine of training before. If people knew about the benefits of training they wouldn’t wait to start.

🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

I have a good routine of sleeping. I sleep eight hours a day. I have days of rest to avoid injuries.

At the end of the training, I always have a stretching session. It helps to prevent and avoid injuries. I don’t use any supplements.

When I’m traveling, I don’t work out. As for changes in my schedule, I reorganize everything to get free time to work out.

🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

My eating plan is very diversified and complete.

I go to the nutritionist once a month to verify my diet and check if the goals are being achieved.
In my diet, I have six meals a day. Everything I eat goes to the balance to check the correct amount according to my eating plan.

I avoid eating junk food and fats. My eating plan is very diversified and complete. I don’t agree with restrictive diet. I use whey protein after training according to the prescription of the nutritionist. I like to use Max Titanium.

When I go to parties or events, I always eat something at home to avoid eating too much at the party. I drink a cup of coffee every day in my breakfast. I drink coffee, too, at work. I also drink green tea every day.

👍 What has inspired and motivated you?

I motivate myself. I wanna to be better and better, I also wanna to improve my body, to overcome the obstacles in training. But I like to follow Camila Gupper on Instagram. My mother inspires me. She is 66 years old and she doesn’t miss a day of training.

The best advice I’ve received came from my coach: “You can get everything you want. Say it to your brain and you’ll get the success.”

✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

The secret is diet and hard training!

If you want to lose weight, be strong in your purpose. The way isn’t easy but when you start to notice the changes you won’t stop. Success depends on you. Don’t believe in miracle shakes, diets. The secret is diet and hard training!

People go to the gym with wrong thoughts. They want to change their bodies very fast. And it isn’t so easy. For this reason, many people give up.

Many people want miracles but they don’t exist because building a body takes time, patience, and dedication.

🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?

As an influencer, I have worked with some brands. Of course, my fitness style and routine brought clients related to beauty and fashion.

I always hear people say: “Wow! What did you do to lose weight? You are so different! So thin!”
and I would answer them that I learned to eat right and work out regularly.

📝 Where can we learn more about you?

I have a blog where you can find fitness recipes.

Instagram: @fernandarosa10

YouTube: Dicas da Nanda

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