We talked with Fa Biente in April, 2020.
Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
Hello my name is Fa Biente, I’m 28 years old. I’m from Paris and I am a lifestyle, travel & fitness influencer on Instagram.
I’ve been training for 12 years now because when I was younger I was overweight and I wanted to change my physical appearance.
I started to run daily to lose weight, but before that I did 10 years of football until I was 18.
Then i started doing body building and loved it. It can keep my mind healthy and gives me power to keep going. Finally, fit boxing is my latest try.
Describe a typical day of training
I’m currently training six to seven days a week to keep the good shape; the sessions go from an hour to an hour and a half.
At the beginning, I did not use any program; Monday I worked pectorals, Tuesday arms, Wednesday shoulders and so on. I used a program a short time ago to build mass.
Now, I use a program that helps for losing fat, with “Like a champion” for 12 weeks. I use the brand “FITADIUM” for food supplements like creatine, protein whey isolate, fat burn, booster, etc., and I eat healthy like white meat, vegetables (broccoli), rice , fruit, white cheese 0%.
I do cardio, my favorite exercises are the treadmill or I do interval training, stair machines at the gym, as well as boxing lessons that make me do a lot of cardio.
In my sports bag, I carry my sports outfit for the session with gloves, shorts and a t-shirt, compression tights, as well as running shoes, a jump rope, a protein shaker, a booster and a protein bar that I’ll take at the end of my session.
How do you keep going and push harder?
When the motivation is low, I take a booster and I push myself to go to the gym because once the motivation returns, everything flows.
If not, I’d suggest finding a friend that can come workout with you and also the competition can give you a bit of a push.
How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
As of today, I’m getting better and better, I still have to work my body to dry.
In the next five years, I would like to have the body of my dreams, muscular but not too much. I want my physical to remain sporty and drawn because we know that after 30 years, it is difficult to lose weight.
I would also like to learn more about cultures, discover countries that could need my help; and I want to develop my Instagram in travel and fashion.
If I could change something it would be that I’d have started fix boxing a long time ago instead of just one year ago.
How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I anticipate injuries by warming up for 10 minutes before each training. You must adapt your diet and rest well to avoid injury. I avoid drinking alcohol, and I sleep minimum of eight hours.
I get a regular massage with @magic.hands.massages on Instagram and I see an osteopath @jessammarosteopathe on Instagram. I also take L-Carnitine to improve sports recovery.
How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
For my food, I keep it simple. I am careful not to eat sugar during the week and while training.
I eat healthy, take protein and I pay attention to the intake of omega3, without calculating my calories.
I allow myself to have a cheat meal and drink alcohol on Saturdays; and two coffee per day.
Plus, I use a scale to weight food.
I manage parties and events very well. When I have something planned, I make deviations but I know that the next day I will have to pay attention to my diet and exercise more.
My favorite supplement brands are FITADIUM AND FEED.
What has inspired and motivated you?
What inspired me was when I took a coach. It motivated me and gave me the strength to continue on my own. I was then inspired by fitness boys on Instagram with their videos and tips.
At the gym, i motivate myself with very rhythmic music for energy. Guys I look up to are “@nathan, @cgarciafitness; amongst others.
I mainly listen to sports playlist on my phone and on music platforms and appa, they have the perfect combination of songs to keep me going.
Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
For a person who is starting, I recommend to take a coach to learn how to do the exercises correctly, and especially not to get hurt. They have to go step by step, start with light loads, and increase gradually.
I sometimes notice at the gym people having bad postures when doing their exercises; and I always want to correct them.
Are you taking on clients right now?
No, I don’t take clients, I’m not a coach. I just love sports. It’s a passion!
Where can we learn more about you?
You can find out more about me on my Instagram and on my Facebook page. I regularly post on these two media. My Instagram is @fa.biente, and my facebook page is fabienté.