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Eva Tretjakova
How I Juggle Being Mom, Wife, Fitness Instructor and Bodybuilding Champion

Eva Tretjakovas Stats When We Talked with Her ๐Ÿ’ช

42 years
172 cm
57 kg
(126 lbs)

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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training

My name is Eva Tretjakova. I am originally from Latvia. I have lived in Dublin, Ireland since 18th of September 2009. I am 42 years old and I am a mother of two amazing boys 12 and seven years old. I am 18 years together with my most support and loving person in the world, my husband.

I started training myself when I was 18 years old, I did not have any goals at that time but just to look good from outside, because when you are young, you don’t think about how you feel from the inside, are you strong or not, it came with age.

In Latvia, I worked as a commercial model in Baltic casting agency for websites and different type of advertisement. I had to be in shape all the time. When I moved to Ireland, my lifestyle absolutely changed.

After the birth of my second child, I was 35 years old, my weight before pregnancy was 57 kg then it went up to 86kg, and it was very difficult for me to lose excess weight and I couldn’t understand why I was gaining weight despite the fact that I eat very little. I used to go to the fitness center three times a week but still gained weight.

So I started taking an interest in fitness and healthy nutrition, and it has become my life’s challenge.

Iโ€™ve obtained certificates of Personal trainer (EQF Level4), Fitness instructor (EQF Level 3), Group fitness instructor (EQF Level 3), Group exercise to music instructor (EQF Level3).

I also have certificates in Step Aerobics and Kettlebell training, also Nutrition advisor where I educate clients about their dietary needs and how they can change their diets to improve their health.

I have a Bachelor Degree in Psychology, which helps me work with people, listen to them, understand and help them to find the best way. I communicate in English, Russian and Latvian.
I love working with people. That’s why my second job is a sole trader where I sell workwear.

I finished NTC national training centre in Dublin, for me this time was a challenge when you’re in the school studied German language and now you must pass body anatomy exams in English. It wasn’t easy if it’s not your mother language, so I did it and I am so proud of myself.

Now, I can say if you would like to achieve something you will definitely get it.

I started working in the fitness industry since 2017 and met amazing coach Stefano Manassero who helped me prepare my body for bodybuilding competitions. I started to compete just last year in May 2018.

Since May 2018, I have competed in five federations and nine shows: Nifma, PCA, RIBBF, NABBA/WFF, PURE ELITE. I placed four times in first places, two second places and one third place in bikini masters +35, and obtained my Pro Cards, with the NABBA/WFF and PURE ELITE.

โฑ Describe a typical day of training

I am renting two gyms floor in Dublin Clongriffin town in body transformation studio (I am allowed to train my clients who are mums with small kids) and in Dublin Swords town Verve gym.

In both gyms, I teach some classes and that’s why my workout is very different. I usually workout alone about 1.5-2 hours of weights, and my cardio twice a week for 45 minute bike.

If I teach classes, I work together with members then my weekly workout plans changing. If I have competition in three months, I start training six days a week, four days lower body, and upper body and two days cardio.

Also, it depends which part of the body needs more attention. If my back and shoulders look great, I work more with my glutes and legs. I create my workout from simple exercise for glutes for example I do millions lunges :)), sumo deadlift and these exercises 100% works for my glutes in my workout.

I love to use Myzone belt. It measures how much my calories burned and my peak heart rate. My experience shows to lose weight, recovering and feel healthy without using any type of supplements.

๐Ÿ‘Š How do you keep going and push harder?

I decide on something that I want to achieve. I break it down layer by layer. I am always looking for the thing that is hardest for me, essential for the result and can be done now. This works miracles because if I can do the hardest part, then I stand a high chance of succeeding.

If I can’t do the hardest part – there is no point in putting your efforts in achieving this particular goal. The other benefit of this approach is that you spend time on really important things.

Bodybuilding competitions motivated me and have pushed my limits mentally and physically, and have taught dedication, and these competitions help me to leave my comfort zone.

If it’s not a competition season, my clients are my biggest motivation. When you are a mother and you have small kids, you have to split your time.

It’s hard to think about adding time to work out to my crazy busy schedule. It’s not easy to find a hole that big in your daily schedule, especially if you have a job in addition to your parenting job, or if you have kids with busy schedules of their own.

I find that way to work out or train my clients, I take the kids with me to the gym and they really enjoyed it.

๐Ÿ† How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

At this moment, I lifting weights twice a week and little bit improve overall look for the next competition in June Mr. Universe 2020 in Italy.

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I see myself for the next five years in the same body shape (I hope :)) ). I am happy now what I’ve achieved and would like to improve my flexibility and mobility after a back injury. Next year 2020, I am planning to study Sport massage.

I would like more time to spend with my kids. I don’t want missing them when they grow up. I donโ€™t want to have to regret any of these moments with them. I want to know that I used this time wisely. I want to know that I enjoyed every minute that I could, that I taught them all of those life-lessons that come from conversations that I demonstrated examples of how to be caring and responsible.

Always when I take a part for any competition, I ask my husband if he is ok with that because he is my biggest supporter, and we think about all of these things we tried all stick together.

๐Ÿค• How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?

Long time ago, my lower back was injured. Each time now when I lift a weight I feel that tense. This year in September 2019, I had three competition a month — it was the craziest time. I train myself with sore lower back these all months, my food was pain killer tablets :)) but I did it.

Now I do lots of stretches and Epsom salt bath. I eat right and don’t use any supplement. I like all naturlich :)) I exercise often, and build strength every day. I tried to sleep six to eight hours.

๐ŸŽ How is your diet and what supplements do you use?

My original zone based on a macro ratio of 40 protein/30carbs /30 fats. How my experience shows it works mostly for everyone. Also, it depends on goals.

I don’t follow a specific diet. If I am off season, I do a simple healthy eating, no calories counting. I have more discipline before competitions and it does not matter where I am on holidays or at home. After competitions I never ever had donuts or pizza :))

Simple things that I discovered was if I eat healthy and regularly every day my stomach also have habits, and I have nausea from fatty food. I eat four to five meals per day. I always include vegetables, meat or fish, rice, eggs, nuts, seeds, berries and any green salad.

I do not include protein shakes or any other supplements as I prefer to get most of my nutrients from food. I will stay lean all year.

My lifestyle is very busy and I have to be fresh every morning and that is why I can count how many times per year I drink alcohol.

Soon I will turn 43 years and my age is looking for a good rest, good sleep, healthy food and effective training.

๐Ÿ‘ What has inspired and motivated you?

My lovely music, my job, my clients hard work and results inspired me. Also, my followers or non followers, and emails give me plenty of motivation and I feel responsibility in front of them because they believe in me and I am their motivator for what I am so happy.

My goal is always to increase clients’ motivation. As you can already imagine, motivation is crucial for your clients to shake off laziness, change their habits, and keep training with you, that’s why I work together with them.

I boost my clients’ motivation and results via social media. It is one of the most important ways of motivating clients, which will make them very proud of themselves.

โœ๏ธ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?

I am inviting you to step forward to be seen and to ask yourself if not me WHO? If not now, WHEN?

Take time to think about what you would like to do where you would like to be. Once youโ€™ve decided what you want to do, you have to be ready for changes, take action and does not matter your goal is big or small. Keep believing and striving to live out your calling.

Refocus on why you must achieve it. Do not let discouragement stop you.

The main thing is to not be afraid of leaving your comfort zone, because this is the only way to get to know your limits. It is very important to know and understand exactly how to achieve your goal and move this way, or at least go in the right direction .

And discipline is imperative. This cause-and-effect relationship can be very well understood when you reach out for your fitness goal, because here everything depends upon the efforts you put in.

In other words, be ready for changes to get something better and your body will say you “thank you”.

๐Ÿค Are you taking on clients right now?

Yes, I train in person, real life clients in two locations, Dublin Clongriffin Body transformation studio (there you can come with your new born baby ) and Swords Verve gym, also I train outside of gym if some of the clients don’t feel confident to visit the gym floor (work place, house or park)

Why just real-life clients? Because I need to touch a client during the workout :)) I need to support them, push them, help them, and when they try to stop and said I can’t, when they do abdominal exercise I have to check six pack :))) that is my training way, which is explained to my clients before sessions.

Before the first session, I test clients how fit they are and then I can decide what programme they need.

Usually after three and a half weeks can see first results, but it’s very individually and it depends on motivation, effort you put in, eating habits discipline, and fitness level.

๐Ÿ“ Where can we learn more about you?

Facebook: @evatretjakovapersonaltrainer
Instagram: @evatretjakova
Youtube: @Eva Tretjakova

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