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Claire Crowther – Pure Elite Pro – Spotlight

Claire Crowther is a bikini fitness model who has undergone a tremendous transformation, losing 6 stone in weight following a healthy eating and exercise plan.

Nowadays her goals have changed and she has pushed herself to achieving the physique she now has.

What has been her motivation, and how has she achieved her bodybuilding goals?

Quick stats

Age: 33
Height: 1.62 m
Weight: 50 kg

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

I got started in the bodybuilding scene following a period of totally transforming my body. I had lost 6 stone in weight and following the huge weight loss I found a love of the gym.

I loved watching my body transform and was inspired to keep pushing harder to achieve even better results from my body.

I started working with a coach on the run up to my wedding which really got my into lifting weights.

Following the wedding I continued to work with him and decided to prep for my first show alongside my Husband.

Claire Crowther

Where does your motivation come from?

I am motivated by my constant desire to improve myself.

I am very goal orientated and once I set myself a challenge or a goal to achieve I go for it 110%.

I believe this has been the key to my success and how I have managed to not regain the weight.

I have always moved the goal posts and pushed harder for a new goal which has kept me motivated.

I also want to be a good role model for my young daughter and making her proud is always my biggest motivation.

Claire Crowther

What workout routine has worked best for you?

The best routine for me has been a mixture of cardio and resistance training.

I like to lift heavy and work on individual body parts in each weight training session.

I aim to do 4-5 30 minute sessions of cardio per week off season and a little more when prepping for a show and I train with weights at least 5 days a week.

I don’t stop cardio when I am off season as I believe it to be beneficial to my health and it prevents me from gaining too much body fat.

Claire Crowther

What one exercise could you not live without?

I could not live without squats. Even though I find them difficult and painful they certainly get results and as my glutes are one of my weaker areas it an exercise that I must do frequently.

Claire Crowther

What is the body part you are most proud of, and how did you get it to that stage?

I am most proud of my abs. I don’t have the most amazing set of abs in the world but to think that a few years back I had rolls of fat there instead it’s a huge achievement to see how much my body has changed… and who doesn’t love a little six pack!

The key to getting abs really is in your diet. Utilising a clean eating diet alongside my training regime enabled me to get that lean definition in this area.

See also  How I Gained over 15 Kg of Lean Muscle Mass by Going to the Gym

Claire Crowther

What is your diet like?

My diet is clean, made up of plenty of lean proteins such as chicken, fish, egg whites and turkey. I eat a lot of green veg and eat healthy fats such as avocado and nuts and whole eggs.

I try to stick to wholegrain rice, sweet potato and oats for my carb sources but I do indulge from time to time in the odd treat during my off season as life is for living and when I am on prep I can’t indulge at all.

I give up so much in those 12-16 weeks that I feel I owe it to myself and those around me to live a more balanced life which also includes a more balanced approach to my diet.

Claire Crowther

What’s the one food you couldn’t live without and how do you handle food cravings?

I couldn’t live without chicken… it doesn’t matter how much of it I eat I never get sick of it.. and I eat a lot of it! It’s such a versatile meat and cost effective.

I do struggle with cravings from time to time. During off season I manage this by planning a weekly cheat meal and make sure that I do not deviate from healthy eating all week so that I can enjoy the one indulgence that I have planned at the end of the week.

When I am prepping for a show and I can’t have cheat meals anymore I struggle for the first few weeks but I just keep thinking about the stage and as my body adjusts and I start to see myself getting leaner it does get easier to handle.

Eating little and often helps to keep me fuller and helps to avoid reaching for food that has no nutritional benefit.

As I get closer to a comp my diet gets much stricter. I reduce carbs and usually carb cycle but I don’t cut carbs altogether and have never done keto.

I do not have cheat meals at all on prep as I find it sets off cravings and very rarely take any protein supplements as I stick to whole food sources of protein instead.

My training becomes more intensive in terms of cardio and my weight session are more based around lighter weights and higher reps as everything becomes all about the burn… getting rid of that body fat.

What supplements do you use?

I try to get all my nutritional requirements from food sources as it fills me up more but I do occasionally take a whey protein supplement and I regularly use a BCAA during training.

I take a multivitamin each day and a vitamin C supplement.

Favourite quote?

My favourite quote is “It’s easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top.

Social media

Instagram: @clairetattooedfitnessgirl


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