We talked with Ben Oseman in January, 2020.
👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
Hey guys! My name is Ben Oseman and I am 29 years old. I live in Herefordshire united kingdom.
At the moment I am a student nurse at the university of Worcester and am approx half way through a 3 year degree. I have a fiancé called vikki and we have been together 10 years. We have 4 children all aged under 9.
I would say that my biggest achievement fitness-wise is losing 6 stone last year and going from 20 stone (127 kg/280 lbs at 30% bf) down to 14 stone (89 kg/196 lbs at 12% bf).
I have been lifting weights since 2014 but only taken it seriously this last 2 years. Also, since 2014 I have practiced several martial arts such as judo, jiu jitsu, muay thai and freestyle kickboxing.
Earlier this year I won the British WFMC kickboxing and submission grappling titles. However I am now taking a 1 year hiatus from martial arts to concentrate on studying and weightlifting.
I enjoy weightlifting and keeping because of how it makes me feel. I now feel more energetic and it carries over to all other aspects of my life, namely work.
⏱ Describe a typical day of training
When I was trying to maintain my muscle mass and burn as much fat as possible I used a 3 day per week 5×5 full body split with cardio (rowing machine and light jogging) at the end of my sessions.
The 3 workouts revolved around these lifts: deadlift, squat, bench and overhead press. I also utilized an hour of walking in between workout days as active recovery.
Nowadays I follow a “powerbuilding” 3 day training split. This breaks my workouts down into 3 days: chest and tricep, back and bicep then legs and shoulders.
For compound lifts I keep the rep range at 4-6. And for accessory and isolation lifts I do at least 10 reps.
I train at a local family run gym called “Ross Health and Fitness” which is the best gym around my home location.
Having trained here I met a guy called Sean Murphy who happens to own a local supplement shop (Snctuary Supplements, Ross on Yye) and another guy called Lee Burns whom has been bodybuilding for 5 years.
I prepare for training by visualizing the exercises that I will be doing that day, checking my workout programme and the rep ranges.
I always use porridge and bananas as my pre workout meal. After training I like to get a shake in within 30 mins, my current go to protein shake is Boditronics Juggernaut.
I always keep my fitness bag with me at the gym, it contains my chalk, belt, smelling salts, wrist straps and 2litre water bottle.
Me and my training friends always log our lifts and diets. We compare each others progress in order to get an objective approach.
👊 How do you keep going and push harder?
When motivation is low I usually just think back to how I used to look and feel. It often spurs me on to go and train.
I have kept training for so long by keeping things fresh, doing the occasional 1 rep max week, and mainly having really good training partners.
My best hack for improving the gym, it to use a 5kg plate on the floor to help me load the barbell when doing deadlift.
Having 4 children, a fiancé and a career is difficult at times, but to manage it I will sometimes train at 6am so that I am back for the school run and my partner going to work, or I will train quite late at night after I have put my kids to bed.
The biggest challenge I have faced without a doubt is being at university. As often plans can change at short notice and screw up my plans but as I said before, there is always ways around a schedule mix up.
🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
At the moment I am in the middle of a 12 week bulk. I am the biggest I have ever been (whilst maintaining a fairly low bodyfat %) I have gained about 6 lbs in 6 weeks.
In the next 5 years I hope to have achieved a body fat around 10% whilst having 18 inch arms.
To reach this I will cycle from bulking to cutting whilst continuing with my current workout plan.
If I could change anything about my bodybuilding journey it would be starting much earlier. I waited until I was in my mid 20’s before starting out and I feel had I started in my late teens when I had more time to train I could have achieved a lot more.
🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I like to supplement with fish oils and glucosamine and thus far only my knee occasionally causes me some discomfort but its nothing serious and mainly from martial arts.
I would say I sleep approx. 7 hrs a night when working and 8 when im off work and/or studying. I use BCAA’s from Sanctuary Supplements to aid my recovery.
🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
On training days I aim for 3500 calories and 2800 on off days.
I track my macros and aim for 250grams of protein 400grams of carbs on training days and 200grams on days off. I keep fats moderate.
I don’t tend to go out often but if I do I limit alcohol intake and usually stick to skinny beers or gin.
I prefer to use Boditronics over other brands as since switching from my protein to Boditronics I have noticed my strength and recovery time improve.
I occasionally take a cheat meal and my go to cheat is a Chinese takeaway full of carbs and fats (only live once).
My main craving is for cheesecake and sweets but I manage this by occasionally allowing myself a treat and keeping it within my daily calorie aim.
When cutting……..this is the diet plan I followed: I aimed for 2000 calories a day, but lowered protein to 120 grams, almost no carbs and plenty of healthy fats (as many as you want).
Sort of a ketogenic diet but tailoring it to my body.
While on this routine I found myself tired for the first 2 weeks, things did improve during weeks 3,4,5 and 6 but still my energy levels were not what they are now………. I’d be interested to see how switching to Boditronics may help this.
As I said before I limit my alcohol intake but I drink plenty of tea and coffee. Atleast 2 mugs of each per day.
I look at this as a treat through the day which helps me to fend of those pesky cravings.
👍 What has inspired and motivated you?
Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan. Did I mention Joe Rogan????? Totally opened my eyes to the mistakes I was making and how fat shaming me really did me a favour.
The best advice/feedback I ever received was being told by a friend of mine that I was fat.
It totally changed my outlook of myself and made me determined to make him eat the words.
✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
If I were new I’d surround myself with people who have done this before. Whether that be gym bro’s or paid trainers. It can literally save you years.
My advice to experienced guys is get a good weightlifting belt . Can pay dividends down the line. And also use a spotter, don’t ego lift without one.
The weirdest thing I have ever seen in the gym was a guy punching himself in the face whilst doing dumbbell bicep curls. Lol
I think a lot of people go to the gym and treat it like a social club and expect the same results as the guys who are going balls to the wall.
The best hack I have for guys outside the gym is to invest in a kitchen digital weighing scale. Literally cant go wrong when you have one of these.
🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?
I am not taking any clients. I don’t do this to make money but I am willing to help people. I don’t mind taking messages if people want help.
📝 Where can we learn more about you?
Here’s a link to my Facebook. Please add me if you want to talk, but keep it cool.
My Instagram is @benaldinhooseman.