We talked with Alejandra Estefanía in February, 2020.
👋 Hi! Tell us about yourself and your training
My name is Alejandra Estefanía but everybody calls me Ale. I´m 30 years old, married lawyer who currently lives in Mexico City. I am originally from Irapuato, a small town in the center of Mexico, but I moved to Mexico City abut four years ago.
I’m not a mom yet but I’m looking forward to have a baby somewhere between 2020 and 2021. I do have two very beloved dogs, Puchito and Ramona, both French bulldogs who are usual stars of my social networks.
Sports have always been a part of my life, since I was a small kid, I started practicing Tae Kwon Do and got to Black Belt 3rd Dan, winning several local and international competitions.
During my college years, I stopped working out and lived a very unhealthy life. When I met my husband, he encouraged me to start running together, which made me fall in love again with sports. Since then (2014), I’ve never stopped working out.
I remember looking at a Instagram picture from a fitness model back in 2014 and wanting to have a body like that so bad, that same day I joined a CrossFit place and started working out like a maniac.
Despite being very dedicated to CrossFit, I never saw the results I wanted in muscle volume. It wasn’t until I moved to Mexico City (2016) that I finally joined a gym and started lifting weights.
People in my social networks started to ask me for training routines and meal plans so I created a single training and meal plan for them. Over the course of a few years, I now have a training app with multiple training programs, recipe books, a clothing line and training gear, all of this is named after me, Ale Estefania.
Besides fitness, I have a passion for travelling and animals. My goal for 2020 is to go to Japan for the Olympic Games and to compete again in Bikini Fitness in the NPC.
⏱ Describe a typical day of training
A normal day for me is to wake up, have breakfast and go to the gym, where I usually spend between 90 and 120 minutes. During the years that I’ve been working out in the gym, I train legs and glutes three times a week; while shoulders, arms, back and chest only two days a week.
I usually do not work out on weekends unless I’m preparing for a competition or a photoshoot. In a normal week I do cardio only two days a week, during my arm days. I love working out to increase my muscular volume.
Whenever I have an upcoming fitness event, photoshoot or something like that, I start my day by doing about 30 minutes of cardio (my favorite is the stepmill, but usually run in the treadmill) before breakfast and add one day of shoulder or arm training. I also add a cardio session everyday, even on Sundays.
👊 How do you keep going and push harder?
I’m constantly looking for new ideas and projects for my fitness life, such as new competitions, growing my brand, etc. And I know that my time during the day is very limited so I hurry myself up to accomplish the goals I set for myself.
I’m very conscious that I don’t want to waste my younger years without doing what I love. I don’t want to be old and regret everything I didn’t do.
🏆 How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
I’m always creating new dreams and goals. My nearest goal is to launch my supplement brand, Ale Estefania, which is already work in progress. I also want to go back to a competition in Bikini Fitness, and perhaps earn my pro card. In term of my training, I want to further develop my shoulder volume and definition.
🤕 How do you recover, rest and handle injuries?
I have a strict eight-hour sleep routine and I also completely rest two days a week, which has helped my body completely recover from all these years of training.
Fortunately, I have never had an injury while training, I’ always very focused on doing precise movements to avoid injuries. The best way for me to recover and rest is to take a shower, get in my PJs and spend the day on the couch =) . I also love massages and I tried to get one once a week.
🍎 How is your diet and what supplements do you use?
My diet varies a lot during the year, it depends on the upcoming events I have. When I’m in competition mode, I very carefully count my macro nutrients, always including all food families.
When I don’t have an upcoming event, I relax a little and try to eat healthy without having a strict diet. Since I have an ectomorph body and gaining volume for me is super hard, I eat more carbs and proteins than you would think,
When in competition mode I have one cheat meal week, but when I’m not preparing for an event, I extend that to one full cheat day.
My usual supplements are whey protein, caffeine (morning coffee), multivitamins and Omegas (3,6 and 9).
👍 What has inspired and motivated you?
I am obsessed with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s videos, I’m always watching every interview, competition and TV appearance he has. I love how he pushed himself and excel in everything that he dreamed of.
My followers are also an important part of my inspiration and motivation, whenever I feel down, I look at their mentions and how they see me, and that makes me go up again.
✏️ Advice for other people who want to improve themselves?
When people starts working out, the most important thing is to have self confidence in their potential. No bodybuilder started with everything solved, and the road wasn’t easy for any of them.
People must know that there will be days (or weeks) when the motivation is gone and they will want to quit everything. My advice when this happens is to always go back to what made you start in this journey, look back to your heroes and you’ll notice that they went through that phase as well, but they kept pushing.
🤝 Are you taking on clients right now?
I do take clients via online with my app. I currently have training and meal programs for women that like to exercise in their house or in a gym, regardless of their level and experience.
I’m in the process of getting certified in training during and post pregnancy so I can help the moms to be and new moms in the near future.
Since I have very little time left with my business, I currently do not take clients in person.
📝 Where can we learn more about you?
I’m always very active in Instagram @aleestefania posting everyday, but you can also find me in Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or TikTok.
My commercial website is aleestefania.com and my email is [email protected].
0 thoughts on “I’m a Fitness Influencer and Lawyer. This Is How I Train and Stay Fit”
I would like to sign up for your personal training services online. 🙂